It's been awhile, no?

But we've got our whole LIVES ahead of us...

What matters is the here and now.

And the colour ORANGE.

And relieving yourself of negative thoughts like the unfounded concern that your favourite orange dress may in fact be...red??
So let's blow off 5th period sex-ed and just BE...

We could educate eachother and talk in Australian!
Or hardcore make-out in the BOILER ROOM.
Like our dear old friends Jordan Catalano and Angela Chase.
They who were cute sometimes...

And then 30 seconds or so after this classic push the hair behind the ears move, Jordan got fed up because 15 year old Angela wouldn't put out after two whole weeks of making out.

Which is more than I can say for Jared Leto's band 30 Seconds to Mars (having never heard them but assuming they're lame just because and having heard they're lame from my friend Georgia who was also repulsed by Jared Leto's soulful rambling about a deeply spiritual journey recording in like, 5 different countries, including one called AFRICA.)
Anyways...Jared Leto is a weirdo.

And for future reference, I'm not really into this kind of underwear because they are Donald Duckish and look like diapers and make me think of the time my rack was used as a place for tears and while there is nothing wrong with boys crying (it's actually kind of cool when they do), in requesting my rack as THE place to purge salty waves had me feeling like I'd been asleep for 9 months and I didn't know my place in the world.

Especially since as a teen, I was way less scared about getting knocked up (read: not at all scared, never even crossed my mind) and then I grew up and remembered how things work and it's true what they say.

And now it's time for a friendly reminder that if you go joyriding without your seatbelt on...

Make sure you check the transmission now and again (like maybe after every time you cruise without a seatbelt.)

And even if you play it safe, don't play it silly because some lecherous leprechauns have been known to lurk in the midst of latex (and lambskin and also in and around pulling out) so even Cautious Christophers and Christophettes have a responsibility to check it out, d'accord??
Point is, globetrotting and jet-setting with the jet-set is really doing a number on me.

Yesterday, for example, I travelled with my Travel Scrabble to 4 different time zones (read: cafés) before I found one that wasn't going to give me jet lag (read: close before midnight) and ordered your standard Colombian roast (eventhough African Red Bush tea provides much more room for jokes about rugs matching curtains) and I was with my old friend Jonas who flew in from exotic Comox, British COLUMBIA just for the occasion (read: he was already here for his graduation ceremony last week and decided to stay the summer and we didn't feel like drinking, we felt like thinking.)
It was a terrible game overall (eventhough I got triple word score on T-O-Q-U-E) and we didn't even finish it, we just got mad.

But that is the cool thing about Travel Scrabble, you can close it up and save it for a rainy day and there are plenty of those in this town.
Today, for example.
I happen to love the rain if it's not too cold out although I wish my steady boy were around on days like these because then it would be at least 6 times more fun.

Alright team, see you whenever for another prologue that is really nothing more than bullshitting about nothing and do you ever get the feeling that your life is a never-ending prologue that will never give way to the main event??
As my sister's steady boy Russell said last week, "Do you guys actually READ prologues, you guys??"