Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mola Ram! Prepare to meet Kali... in HELL! (Freddy vs. Jason)

If you're reading this and it's the day before Halloween, I guess it doesn't really matter but if so pretend it is October 31st, 2007 and aren't you excited for CHRISTMAS?! Hey Barnas, this means YOU. I'm really worried to click PUBLISH POST because blogger dot come likes to fuck with me and not make any sense. I have a haunting feeling that everything will not appear as it does in the PREVIEW and I will be really upset because I am at the library on a stool so my neck hurts and I am also very very hungry although I thoroughly enjoyed the grilled cheese BRIE sandwich I had for lunch but that was like 8 hours ago. Here's hoping. If it's all wacky, I'm sorry...it's indirectly Paul Johnson's fault for confusing me with his directions about videos and some thing popped up and said yes or no and I guess I picked the wrong one because things are getting harder up in this piece and I ain't talking cock.


What’s up scary people?!

Today, because it’s Halloween, I’m going to scare the shit out of you and talk about some really scary stuff.

Some people think that this guy is scary.

I think that this is scary.

Children’s books by Richard Scarry are, as a rule, not at all terrifying.

I think these guys are scary.
I saw one last week when I was picking up a piece of red onion skin from my carpeted kitchen floor. A carpeted kitchen floor, someone who is good at dropping things (grated cheese, zucchini, rolled oats, flour, etc. etc.) and a vacuum that works rarely/never is a pretty scary combination.

Silverfish are ewgrossmeout when you think that he is dead on your carpeted kitchen floor, under red onion skin. Silverfish are OHMYGODSCARY when they come back from the dead when you pick up said red onion skin and he scurryscurryscurries as if he were more afraid of you than you are of him! Some may say he is the hummingbird of totally disgusting light brownish-grey bugs (read: veryveryspeedy; except that he is not at all pretty like hummingbirds are and I doubt many people have tattoos of him interspersed with leaves and flowers all the way up their arms.)

Another thing that is scary is the fact that Manolo Blahnik has a new boot out that is terrifyingly reminiscent of the Timberland-takeoff stiletto boot they issued for Spring 2003 that Beyonce unfortunately rocketed to hot-trend status in the Crazy in Love video. Let’s hope Aldo doesn’t make another version in light pink and baby blue.

Oh dear GOD. They’re not classy. They should be burned. Just like witches and their friends and loved ones. Yes, EVEN Sarah Jessica Parker and ESPECIALLY Bette Midler. Some say that shit is hocus pocus but I say that shit is REAL.

The Witches is a very scary movie. That is not Angelica Houston’s fault. That is a bold statement.

Back it up to late September 2006.

“I’m over my Balenciaga motorcycle bags”, said the Nicola Jane Young.

“THAT is a BOLD STATEMENT.”, said the Hilary Elizabeth Young. There was a time when we loved our Balenciaga motorcyle bags very much.

I can now say with confidence over a year later that I truly am over my Balenciaga motorcycle bags. [SIDENOTE: Lauren Cook, I really don’t think your Balenciaga motorcycle bag was THAT bad a fake, although I totally understand your decision to let it collect dust in your mom’s basement. And thanks for the hot tip about watching To Catch a Predator on youtube…now everyone who wastes time here can do so with that garbage also.]

Motorcycles are scary. Even the small ones in Cuba that any two-legged mammal with 2 eyes can rent, regardless of age, prior knowledge of how to operate any kind of motorized vehicle, or the common sense to ask how to turn instead of being shy and figuring it out through trial and error. Hilary was driving and I was holding on. She lost control, not that she ever had it in the first place. We went off the road. We flew in the air! We landed in flora and jagged rocks. None of it was soft and lush, nor did it smell like rainbows or scratch ‘n sniff unicorn stickers.

We were bleeding. We were okay. But we were bleeding. And definitely scared and in shock. I like the scar Hilary indirectly gave me on my left knee. It gives me street cred. Kind of like my post-teenage acne that has been off the charts in the past couple of weeks. It’s so popular with my forehead that it will probably soon become the number one ringtone. It makes me accessible to my core audience. TEENS! Anyway, I got on my own mini-chopper about ten minutes after our scary spill and turned out to be a pretty fun afternoon.

By far the scariest thing that ever happened to my sister and I was the time we, really and truly, narrowly escaped death on the island of Molokai in Hawaii in March 2001. We were sitting between two big rocks or rather, we were in in the middle of a giant old rocky thing, like a valley on the beach surrounded by five-foot cliffs. The waves in Molokai were crazy that year. As in don’t you dare go swimming unless you are a two year-old Molokai native who may or may not know how to walk yet but for some reason is invincible and the master of entering treacherous waters and coming out alive and giggling light-heartedly. There is some law of nature relating to waves that says that every some-specific-number-that-is-under-ten waves is going to be a big one. We would count and then get delighted when the bigger wave would crash over the edge of the five foot cliff and splash us. But one wave was crazier than all the rest. It was the wave to end all waves. Even those at unmemorable
Blue Jays games in 1993.

Anyway, it was so big that it filled the space and if we hadn’t both been speedy enough to swim and make it over the cliff, we would have smacked into the rock at the speed of lightning, consequently shattering our parents’ souls and totally ruining March break for everyone, not to mention our brother Alex’s tan (the way he planned it, Molokai was dedicated to bronzing his backside, and the next week in Oahu was frontside time). So yeah, it was TERRIFYING. We were shaken. All the shit we had with us was nowhere to be seen. Later, about half a kilometer down the beach, I found the shitty chick lit shit I’d purchased at the airport, on the spinning rack next to the chewing gum. Beside this trashy fiction was the can of Pepsi we’d had earlier. I picked it up as it was unopened. It was heavier than any Pepsi can in its right mind should be so I opened it. It was completely filled with sand yet it had been unopened. How this happened, I have no clue. I’m an English major and I seem to remember being in grade 11 science when I was in grade 12. THAT WAVE WAS SOMETHING FIERCE. We are very lucky we lived to tell the tale. I shiver and feel almost ill when I think about it and if you don’t believe me, just ask Hilary. She’s better at getting to the POINT. That’s why she got into Oxford.

So cellulite is scary and so are silverfish, way-too-soon-to-be-vintage re-issues of Manolo Blahnik MISSTEPS, faux-motorcyle accidents, crazy waves and generally all flirtations with death. Flirtations with Christian Bale, real or imaginary, are technically scary but in a good, butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of way.

Cut to Berri-Uqam metro (“Station Berri-Uqam”) at 8:50 am. What? You ain’t never scared? I AM!

The only thing that could make that crowd scarier would be if you were caught in the midst of it with Temple of Doom-level amounts of silverfish slithering around and then a killer wave came crashing through the metro tunnel at the speed of lightning!

Sleep tight my pretties, tonight I give you nightmares free of charge.

A very scary movie is one whose name I cannot recall. It has no superstar Hollywood actors who now do voices for Pixar cartoons on weekends and it’s probably at least fifteen years old, as I remember watching it at Marcela Lazaro’s Halloween party in grade eight and recognizing that it was not a hot new release at the time. Not like the cinematic masterpiece we’ve come to call I Know What You Did Last Summer. Back to an ACTUALLY scary movie (no hugetits though…).
The opening scene has a babysitter in a big house. There may or may not have been some creepy phone calls leading up to the doorbell ring. She can’t see who’s there but she can see a car at the end of the driveway. A male voice tells her his car broke down and asks her to call for help. She probably then realized that the phone line had been cut and soon after, it became apparent that the man outside was a VENTRILOQUIST and he was ACTUALLY INSIDE THE HOUSE THE WHOLE TIME! Some shitty font tells you that it’s however many years later and some optimistic rock music plays and that babysitter girl has a new HAIRCUT so you KNOW she has a new lease on life in the big city and she’s put the butchered babies behind of yesteryear behind her. Some other stuff happens. Like she probably has a boyfriend that she trusts but he sometimes scares her by no fault of his own and he’s totally head-over-heels for her but this is getting tedious…when’s he gonna get a flippin’ BJ?! Or maybe he did something sweet and sensitive like taking her to a comedy club where there happens to be a ventriloquist doing a bit with a creepy clown puppet and she is for SOME STRANGE REASON reminded of her delightful ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING!

Boys are smart. I don’t know what else happens but eventually you’re confronted with the scariest scene ever. She’s in some dim brickwalled loft apartment and you know that he’s there but you don’t know where. Then, YOU see him before she does…he is PAINTED SO THAT HE MATCHES THE BRICK WALL. And then…HE BLINKS!!! The whole slumber party SCREAMED! Oh how we SCREAMED!!! Much like we’d all screamed the year before in MY basement when the kind-at-heart curly-haired survivor of that whole prom dance debacle goes to the scene of the burnt-down school and…..CARRIE’S HAND EMERGES TO THE SOUND OF SHRIEKING VIOLINS!


It wasn’t scary the second time around but the first time I watched Friday the 13th and the young lovers are speared whilst doing it on the creaky camp cot, I was pretty terrified. But maybe I just happened to go to an all-girls camp and I was “confused about my sexuality” so if I got murdered while dry-humping another twelve year old girl…well that would be bad for my pre-teen reputation, especially if no boy could ever say he’d tongue-tangoed with me in my eulogy. Regardless, teen camp counselours shouldn’t be so goddamned horny. If they stayed in the city with fake IDs like COOL teenagers, they’d probably still get laid (if they dressed slutty enough/did enough body shots) but maybe they wouldn’t get butchered! They might even have some extra cash leftover from babysitting adventures to buy a new pencil case come September or maybe even a really cute sweater set from the Gap for the first day of school!

I didn’t find The Exorcist to be a scary movie really. I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s so scary. It’s actually sort of funny. That being said, I read the book first and I must say, it is quite bone-chilling. Rosemary’s Baby IS a scary movie and Roman Polanski’s life is a scary life and I’m sure glad it doesn’t belong to me…tonight I’m going to wear my pixie cut wig and a really cute 60s dress and carry around a baby doll with black eyes. If you don’t get it, that’s probably why we’re not going steady yet and we probably never will.

A really great movie to watch tonight after you dump out your loot from your pillow-case and cackle with glee is The People Under the Stairs. Duh, I KNOWWWW they’re a hip-hop group, ah ain’t RETARDED! Who died and made YOU Prince Paul?! [Hey Ted Mirsky, I understand that retarded is a moronic word to use in that context but I was doing so for effect and I’m going to apologize in an official press release tomorrow at 9 am EST.) Anyway, The People Under the Stairs is simultaneously scary and fun and not because you see teen girls in white lace panties with perma-hard nips because you don’t. Without revealing too much, I’ll say that there is a big mansion with good people trapped inside in the company of greedy evil people, said mansion has many deep dark secrets/passageways, all of which are revealed, and the evil greedy fuckers get what they deserve in the end, good conquers evil as it always should, and while the closing credits roll, there’s a SIIIIIIIIIICK block party complete with rap music and hundred dollar bills flying everywhere and it turns out the people under the stairs are actually really righteous dudes and they’re great dancers too!

Woody Harrelson in drag is also a scary sight but WE NOT GON GET INTO THAT!

In conclusion…


Just don’t go giving me dumb shit like an apple because that would be boring and certainly don’t go to the trouble of making candy apples for the kids that will inevitably smash your pumpkin after you’ve hit the hay because it’s not like their parents will let them eat candy apples anyway…CUZ THEY FILLED WITH RAYZA BLADES! I don’t know about you, but PERSONALLY, if I wanted to destroy children’s tongues/orthodontia/childhoods, I’d PROBABLY want to watch…so I’d bring’em inside an serve’em mystery meat sandwiches and I’d pull out their little tongues when they gagged at my culinary art just like the cook in the restaurant on You Can’t Do That on Televsion!

Why did they keep going back to that restaurant after school? So Alanis could get a record deal?? They didn’t even like the food!

Probably the same reason I wrote all this in my TOP SECRET NO BOYS ALLOWED NOTEBOOK at Café Suprême on St. Laurent eventhough I bash it on a bi-weekly basis in mein blogenstein! I even call it Café SHITprême while INSIDE THE ESTABLISHMENT and I’m drinking a REALLY TERRIBLE CONCOCTION! The NERVE! Forget Coda Special Club, Café SHITprême is the hottest spot on the strip and it’s open 24/7! I love this place! Eventhough they totally IMPROVISE every drink you order! And it’s not like good sketch comedy. These drinks…THEY ALL TASTE LIKE THREE DAY OLD CORPSE!

Scary stuff. C’est l’Halloween. Have a good one!

P.S. Here is Agent Caroliner Murphy's scary movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e_uYsa3CYE

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Sometimes, you climb into a sparkly spandex jumpsuit and a three-hundred dollar k-hole, convince yourself you have a tail, and live to tell the tale to your one-thousand closes friends across the ravephotoblogosphere...your one-thousand closest friends who came into the ravephotoblogosphere looking for pictures of you and your tail rather than looking for pictures of themselves doing sexy growling faces and also maybe searching for clues as to whom they might have lent their keys to when they were...busy...thinking.

Other times, you go to a so-so house party dressed as a Brownie, complete with authentic badge-covered sash and are met with "Are you a beatnik?" just because you are wearing something beret-like, and you think if you're going to jump to conclusions about berets, you should probably start with "Are you Parisian??"

You wake up before noon on Saturday to go antiquing with your parents in the Gay Village, dabble in farmer's marketing and look at things made of pewter and stuff blown from glass in the Old Port. Then you read cooking magazines over a lunch of roasted red pepper soup with a side of ciabatta laden with brie, asparagus and pecans...and what your dad insists is the best espresso he's ever had in Montreal...and he's had his share. For the record, this went down at SoupeSoup on Duluth and my dad thinks bread pudding is making an ironic yet chic comeback in the world of culinary arts. Apparently, "It's EVERYWHERE!"

Wait, it's not over. You think about putting one of the eight pairs of fishnets your mom gave you and being a sexy...something. But instead, you eat more brie for dinner, call your sister for your dad's pizza dough recipe, laugh for ten minutes about how funny it is ('Top with...whatever.') and then made said pizza dough with your dad in the Cuisinart he souped up for your birthday. I guess he should know his own recipe if he made it up, but my dad is pushing forty so we'll let it slide...

You bid those that created you adieu, and think that if you were to turn out like them, you'll probably die happy and you also think you're lucky that you never really found them that embarassing!

Sure, they gave you weird stuff in your lunch when you were a kid but the teasing toughened you up and you're pretty adventurous nowadays and dinner party is your middle name you respect that!

It's like that Raffi song...

"All I really need is a song in my heaaaart...food in my belly! Looove in my family!"

My dad's favourite song goes something like this: "Caviar comes from a virgin sturgeon, a virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish! A virgin sturgeon has no urgin', that's why caviar is my dish!"

Your brother even called you on Saturday, which is rare and eventhough he just wanted to know what time he and his dinner guests should cover up their naked bodies and hide the ecstasy tabs/nipple rings from your mom and dad, you're still touched. Sort of...

You make one half-hearted "So...what are you doing tonight?" phone call, knowing full well what this person and a good 74% of the people you know are doing tonight, just so you feel like you tried to have a crazy wild holy fuck I lived to tell the tale of my tail time. You tried. Sort of...

You say fuck the fishnets, dress up as a lumberjack (read: don a flannel shirt, long underwear and steel-toe boots...minutes the steel-toe boots)...

...and watch Election while making a to-do list for the week ('Write superscary Halloween blog, drop off disposable cameras, drop 10 pounds of disposable thigh flesh by Tuesday'), read In-Style (see page 356 for rare sexy pic of Mark Ruffalo, thanks Hilary.), paint your nails (fingers and toes, Pink Shock! and Revlon Red respectively.), and throw a hairy fit when you discover that the only special feature is director's audio commentary but get over it quickly, eat more brie and call it a night but not before caling it a really great day.

You might jerk off before REALLY calling it a night but what, no you didn't and to imply such a thing would be rude, sacrilegious, and probably not the best way to make hot guys give a shit about your lonely existence.

Please excuse the previous sentence. We went out for oysters on Friday and you all know what THAT means...it means master chef Nathaniel Heaney prepared them with love at Maestro on St. Laurent (right next to Euro-Deli) and if you like seafood and your parents want to take you out for a fancy meal, go there and order the Louisiana platter to wash down your oysters and you'll feel downright dreamy...

[SIDENOTE: Nicola Jane Young really liked The Maestro by Tim Wynne Jones when she was ten and that is why she chose it for her first book report of the grade 5 season.]

If you like hearing about cool things I eat, you should read my dad's e-mails about what he heats because his descriptions are considerably more elaborate and exciting. If you don't really care about my awesome meal, you should probably turn away from me while I'm in the midst of describing my awesome meal like some lumberjack I briefly conversed with at that so-so house party I went to on Friday night because that's cool, I don't even care, you're just hungry, I understand! Sort of...and that is why I sometimes catch you checking out my rack when you think I'm not looking.

In conclusion, Carré St-Louis is a really nice play to be on a Sunday afternoon in the fall if you want to free your mind and it's also perfect for picking up pretty leaves to make a bouquet for your Sunday evening dinner hostess.

I am going to have pumpkin pie for dinner at my friend Hillary's house. I am going to bring some cinnamon whipped cream.

And one of my favourite games. Thank you and goodbye.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Shit I was working on the other day but then saved can now be seen BELOW THE POST FROM MONDAY. I figured if I didn't publish it on SUNDAY and then PUBLISHED IT TODAY it would show up TODAY. But APPARENTLY NOT. I have so many problems with blogger.com.

I tried to follow Paul Johnston's detailed instructions of how to post a YOUTUBE video ON HERE ACTUALLY but it DIDN'T WORK OUT...OBVIOUSLY. So I said to myself, "OH GOD! YOU BOOB!" As in a fool/stupid person/dunce.

The following picture is not suitable for work, Sarah Allan, just to warn you.

Anyway, this here pretty lady is a personal favourite of mine. I first discovered her about two years ago with photos from the August 2005 issue of Playboy. This is one of my favourite shots. Her name is Diora Baird and she did a Guess campaign that caused a lot of car accidents. I remember reading in her interview in that issue that she had been in Wedding Crashers. I read it, hmmmmmmprobably October 2005 at which point I had seen Wedding Crashers and did not remember her. I think they probably cut her scenes...because if it was just one of those sweet rack shots in the "SHOUT!" sequence at the beginning of Wedding Crashers where you see a bunch of awesome racks...well if that were it, I doubt she'd mention it in an interview where you get to see her awesome rack because that would just be silly. I think that she looks like Catherine Deneuve way back when but with really beautiful breasts. Anyone who doesn't think so has been spending far too much time making out with me on the corner of Roy and Drolet. UP THE SHIRT! UP THE SHIRT!

So go to the post BELOW the New Young Pony Club post from Monday and ye shall find what I meant to put up today but blogger dot com is not my friend.


Monday, October 22, 2007



If you're done your homeworks, maybe you're going to New Young Pony Club tonight at Cabaret!!!

It's going to be so much FUN!

New Young Pony Club are aiight in my books for one reason and one reason only. They list CAKE as an influence on their myspace profile:

These are DELICIOUS CAKES that resemble something that Adam Beck likes to stand in front of for a really long time on Tuesdays at Korova! I guess no one told him about THE BOY WITH SQUARE EYES...read books, not minds.

Anyway, if you're not going to the show, you should still definitely go to Blizzarts later for the OFFICIAL AFTERPARTY with ADAM BECK and PAUL JOHNSTON and THEIR #1 GROUPIE! That means me. It's going to be so much FUN as USUAL but maybe also even MORE FUN than USUAL even!!!


I know I'm going to.
Finish homeworks first.
Finish homeworks first.
Finish homeworks first.
Click heels together.
Oh well, still in Oz. But my cowboy boots totally rule...which ones? Trick question, ALL OF THEM!!!

PAUL AND ADAM. HAVE A BLOG. Ee-eye-ee-eyeOH! http://www.membersonlydjs.blogspot.com/


I actually feel at this point in time that even if I do finish my homeworks, I really shouldn't be spending moneys on such things because I spent all my moneys in New York City, come to think of it! Plus my long-lost friend Amna Silim is coming in from Toronto tonight and I have to like help her find her way into Montreal from the airport...which will probably be REALLY REALLY HARD.

Okay you guys, see you tonight! At least come hang in spirit...do it for the rainbow!



P.S. Come back soon for hot tips on how to have the best breath for make-out hangalangs and also for some Japanese-related magical things.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


If you're in Montreal tonight, you should go to Foufounes to see my friend Jason's movie, (re)public a psychedelic skateboard film. It's the PREMIERE and it STARTS AT 10 and it COSTS 3 DOLLARS which is nothing considering he worked on it for THREE YEARS. To see the preview and learn a little more, click the following link.
Jenna skateboards, I don't. Darcy skateboards, I don't. Mike Chiu skateboards sometimes, I don't. Mark Murray skateboards sometimes, I don't. Sometimes I like boys who skateboard though because boys who skateboard are hot I guess sometimes...sometimes they smell like sweat in that way that is strangely not gross. What I'm saying is that there will probably be HOT GUYS at FOUFOUNES TONIGHT. And thought-provoking cinematic experience that will likely blow your mind.
FACT: Tic Tacs will not improve your breath.

Bogus. If you want a satisfying and delicious snack with under 2 calories, I recommend a thin slice of red onion or a Diet Pepsi.


FICTION: Juicy Fruit is now longer lasting and it's also a great way to improve your breath.

SHORT FICTION: is a pretty cool class, as experienced by me on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8:15. The teacher is sassy and she says funny things like "Duhhhhhh" complete with exxagerated eye-rolls.

MYSTERY: Why do birds...suddenly appear...everytime...you are near...

TRUTH: The reason I started listening to The Carpenters is this. My cousin Lindsay told me that our grandmother used to sing her to sleep with 'Close to You' when she was a wee one and I never really knew our grandmother as she passed away when I was very wee. When I think about what happened to Karen Carpenter it makes me very sad because it is a terrible thing when an eating disorder consumes you. The Carpenters tribute compilation, 'If I were a Carpenter' was something I bought after I thought I'd listened to all their old shit. However, The Cranberries cover of 'Close to You' is not the standout tribute jam by any means.

I really liked the Bettie Serveert version of 'For All We Know'. Bettie Serveert means "Bettie Serves" in Dutch. This is especially cool because they are a Dutch band and Dutch tennis player Bettie Stove basically rocked Wimbledon in 1977.

They toured with Jeff Buckley (a great love of my dear friend Katie Hermon's life) and they did a Velvet Underground cover album called 'Venus in Furs'. Better yet, the title track from their 1992 album Palomime is featured in Episode 4 of My So-Called Life from, you guessed it, SEASON ONE. They also covered Bright Eyes with 'Lover I Don't Have to Love'. Interesting but not particularly awesome is the fact that this particular cover can be heard in Episode 18 from Season 3 of The OC. That being said, The OC was pretty awesome when it started out but if we're going to get TECHNICAL, you'll certainly agree that My So-Called Life was more deserving of the honour of a SECOND SEASON.

Anyway, I also really liked the way Shonen Knife covered 'Top of the World'. Sonic Youth are on the compilation as well and I heard that Sonic Youth were heavy into Shonen Knife. I could go on about how I'M heavy into Shonen Knife and consider them to be another incredible piece of Japanese magic but I'll save that for another day. They still totally rule and so I am honoured to have them here with me tonight introduce the next segment....

FAQ #1) Why is it that these days, Juicy Fruit of the individually wrapped in shiny silver variety, is now YELLOW instead of WHITE?

The pattern of it is also a bit different, as is the texture and this I find all this infinitely perplexing.

FAQ #2) Why is it, that when you drink too fast, you stumble home early and aLONE??

Who knows guys, who knows...going home alone is actually not so bad once you've come to terms with the fact that 96% of the boys you know aren't worthy of your flower anyway. But Home Alone is the greatest movie of all-time. Anyone who disputes this fact is PROBABLY A PERVERT and OBVIOUSLY NOT R. KELLY. Because R. Kelly loves Macauley Culkin. Wait, that's Michael Jackson...or IS it?? Oh wow, I'm getting confused and could go off on one thousand twisted tangents right now so I'll spare you and leave you with R. Kelly's Macauley Culkin tribute aka R. KELLY'S LOVESONG TO MACAULEY CULKIN TRAPPED IN THE CLOSET.


Peace out Premier, take me out with the fader.
P.S. Sophie's Muscle Toning Class NOT DEAD.