If you're done your homeworks, maybe you're going to New Young Pony Club tonight at Cabaret!!!
It's going to be so much FUN!
New Young Pony Club are aiight in my books for one reason and one reason only. They list CAKE as an influence on their myspace profile:
These are DELICIOUS CAKES that resemble something that Adam Beck likes to stand in front of for a really long time on Tuesdays at Korova! I guess no one told him about THE BOY WITH SQUARE EYES...read books, not minds.
Anyway, if you're not going to the show, you should still definitely go to Blizzarts later for the OFFICIAL AFTERPARTY with ADAM BECK and PAUL JOHNSTON and THEIR #1 GROUPIE! That means me. It's going to be so much FUN as USUAL but maybe also even MORE FUN than USUAL even!!!
I know I'm going to.
Finish homeworks first.
Finish homeworks first.
Finish homeworks first.
Click heels together.
Oh well, still in Oz. But my cowboy boots totally rule...which ones? Trick question, ALL OF THEM!!!
PAUL AND ADAM. HAVE A BLOG. Ee-eye-ee-eyeOH! http://www.membersonlydjs.blogspot.com/
I actually feel at this point in time that even if I do finish my homeworks, I really shouldn't be spending moneys on such things because I spent all my moneys in New York City, come to think of it! Plus my long-lost friend Amna Silim is coming in from Toronto tonight and I have to like help her find her way into Montreal from the airport...which will probably be REALLY REALLY HARD.
Okay you guys, see you tonight! At least come hang in spirit...do it for the rainbow!
P.S. Come back soon for hot tips on how to have the best breath for make-out hangalangs and also for some Japanese-related magical things.
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Well, since Nicola didn't give a detailed blog today. It's okay, we all have our off days. She probably has some homework to do or something.
Don't worry, I'll share a story. A pathetic story! Everyone's favourite.
Geoff's first BLOG WITHING A BLOG.
I will share with you now, a short story seen through my eyes. The date is October 4th, 2007.
I've had a frustrating day! I worked on my stats assignment in the math computer labs and then I went to the 4115 computer science labs to do the practice tutorials.
But as I make my approach, I see some grown up man standing in the doorway of the computer labs. So I take out my earphones and pause my Muse-ic. And listen to him blast people inside for leaving the door open, how they need an access card, etc. security reasons. He had a hint of Principal Vernon from Breakfast Club in him.
Kind of like this.
It's at this point that I realize I don't have an access card either. (But I totally just walked in the day before because the door was propped open. Free reign for intruders.)
I make eye contact with a girl who is definitely worth making eye contact with situated in the front row of the computers.
Somehow I break free from her mystic aura long enough to read where I can obtain such an access card. It says to me it says:
"Access cards - 107 Robertson Hall."
So I turn around. Head down them stairs. Go outside and proceed to walk across campus to Robertson Hall. Which is okay. It's a nice day out. I get to my desired location and head down to the basement first floor. Remember I'm looking for room 107... I See 106. I See 108. Definitely did not see a # 107. After a minute of confusion, I decide the best thing is to ask the people in room 108 if they know where their neighbours are.
They told me that room 107 is the room of requirement. If you need an access card, pace back and forth in front of the opposite wall thinking about what you want, what you NEED. And the door should appear on it's own.
Umm.. wait, sorry. That's from Harry Potter. Sometimes I forget that I'm not ACTUALLY a wizard. I just play one on TV.
So ya. I ask the neighbours in the graphics printing place, and the first guy has no idea. He confirms with the man with the beard who says that I need to go upstairs, around the corner, passed a computer and to some guys office who's name I quickly forgot.
I retrace my steps upstairs and find the required office. The door is closed. I knock. I wait. I knock again. It took me about a minute before I saw the sign [bet you thought that would be Ace of Base? WRONG]
The sign read:
"BACK @t 11:30."
(I'm not lying, he totally used the at symbol and followed it with a t. Which defeats the whole purpose of using the @ symbol. @ is supposed to make our lives a little easier, one letter at a time. But this guy didn't get the memo. And why should he know what an @ symbol is anyway? He's just in charge of handing out the COMPUTER lab access cards. GOSH!)
So, I check my watch. And by watch I mean my ipod clock, because I don't wear a watch. Weighs down the wrist. It reads 11:10.
I'm not standing for 20 minutes, I decide to camp out on a bench in the main lobby. Pull out this neat clipboard I bought at the bookstore the week previous. And work on some use cases for my software engineering class.
Approximately 8 minutes and 16 seconds later I see the girl with the green jacket. The one from the computer labs who I thought was the bees knees.. I make brief eye contact with her as she totally walks right by. She seems to be wandering aimlessly. I ask her if she's looking to get a computer access card. She says yes, she had just been kicked out by Principal Vernon..
Whoops, that's not principal Vernon. But for some reason I had that link copied....
Back to the story, I explain to her the whole 'back @t 11:30' situation. She sits on another bench next to me. Not next to me on the same bench. But on another bench. So there's a seat gap between us I suppose.
And that's it.
I had 10 minutes to impress this girl with conversation and I decided to continue working on my new clipboard. I was trying to impress this girl with my work ethic instead of my boyish good looks and charming humour.
Someone motions that the access card Nazi is back. I get up and join the line, single file of course. We're next to eachother in line. I ask her if she's in computer science (of course she isn't. What a stupid question). She's in Psych (of course. aren't all women) but needs science credits so she took computer science...which is weird. She asks if it costs anything for the security card. I say I dont think so...
Just then grumpy dude in office yells at me to get in if I want an access card. He quickly says it's 10 dollars. I hand over 10 dollars. Show student card. Get access card. Apologize to the girl on the way out and said "I guess I lied, it's 10 dollars".
Then I'm caught in a dilemma. Should I stay or should I go?
But, then I remember a guy in the main lobby borrowed my favourite pen to fill out a loan form. So I walk across to the main lobby. Waiting. He looks up. Returns to me my pen. Because obviously my favourite pen is worth more than some girrrrrrl.
I walk real slow. Check the office. She hasn't left yet. Maybe she didn't have the $10 and was performing alternative payments...
I get impatient and assume she would probably return to computer labs. So I walk real slow outside back to my original location. And by real slow I mean a regular persons average speed. I usually mow down because I accomplish more that way. Slow walking is overrated.
So I get to labs. This time the big doors are closed. I get to test out my brand new security access card. First swipe didn't work. I guess I went too fast. Story of my life!
I seem puzzled. I try again. This time swiping slowwwwer. I hear a tone and I say outloud ACCESS GRANTED. Just as I open the door another guy tries to walk in. But I block him and ask for his security card. He doesn't have one. So I totally closed the door in his face.
I sat in the front row. Figuring that'd be conservative since she was sitting there originally. Mayyyyyybe she prefers front row computers. Or has a fear of 2nd, 3rd, 4th rows. Some sort of rowphobia. I get to work on the practice tutorials. Girl never shows up.
I'm pathetic.
Moral of the story:
Fuck work ethic. Hello boyish good looks and charming humour.
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