Monday, March 31, 2008


In light of the fact that when I was a tween, there was no word to describe me as such, I have taken it upon myself to channel my inner tweendencies and take it to the house.

This means, as everyone should know, getting in bitchy fights (3 on 3 shit), and admitting that the time is right for wearing sparkly silver eyeshadow/too much make-up altogether, in the quest to emulate RuPaul circa the most epic Viva Glam campaign ever.

It doesn't matter that most (heterosexual) boys think it looks silly.

What matters is that when you pass another RuPauled-out honey in the stacks, she/he will know that you are one and the same; tweens united in the fight against looking their age (so that they can get into AA slasher flicks in the name of group dates and yawning one's arm around one's crush like it's no biggie).

Plastic jewels and bright pink nailpolish is a must and luckily, I never gave that up like my girl Katie Hermon did when she became really weird at 15 and listened to The Beatles eight days a week and made out behind trees and/or at 'shortgrass' and wore turquoise on a Jade Jagger tip and granny sweaters like she knitted them herself (when she actually got them at Urban Outfitters in Montreal, and that's basically the reason she moved here 3 years later eventhough McGill is a pretty good school...)

In relation, when asked what makes her want to take it off and get it on, Zooey Deschanel replied, "At the same time? A brand new wool sweater."

And she claims that her greatest fear is "maple syrup on my arms",

This really helps put things into perspective, as maple syrup on my arms is at least 14 times more petrifying than the prospect of a C- on a paper I initially suspected would rock the house.

The only other thing that makes it okay that I have more in common with the CON-U library computers than the average Coda Special Club patron (as I too, am 'for academic use only') is the jingle of my mom's sassy silver charm bracelet, as it provides great entertainment on my breaks because it has fun stuff to open/close; like the hood of a Mary Poppins era car, the pumpkin-turned-carriage that brought Cinderella to the ball (read: Coda Special Club), and a treasure chest that foreshadows all the fun and pizazz that summer will inevitably bring, just you wait...

And so, I leave you with the age-old question...


The answer is to be found somewhere between common ground and finding a way...


P.S. The truth is, that I actually think PRE-TEEN SENSATION is a way cooler word than TWEEN...aaaaaand, I think that tweens coming of age in this godforsaken facebook era are inherently doomed (bless their soulless hearts).

P.P.S. Because you definitely care, my scholastic endeavours currently involve writing about Alex Katz.

This is a self portrait of his.

And these are some other pretty pictures he's done.

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