Has anyone else been approached to engage in bible study while in the midst of packing up their shiz from their locker in the Hall building at CON-U??
Truly bizarre. I told them I looked back on Sunday school fondly but was not really interested in taking part in their bible study, no offense.
They told me that I looked younger than my 22 years, and that is fine by me.
I also didn't really mind when I was in Toronto Kensington marketing with my girl PJ in January, and one shop owner told me I "looked like a virgin" after we discussed, at length, soap and moisturizer that seek to reconstruct hymens to untouched status in the name of jealous lovers...
I've been a busy bee with scholastic endeavours.
Some of which have seriously been cramping my style, like my godforsaken Alex Katz paper that didn't turn out to all that much fun in the end.
Come to think of it, I might have even cried in public at the library.
I just finished my last essay and had a blast with it, writing on Scott Lobaido's FOREVER 27 that I first came across in Lee Piazza's bedroom in 2004.
In my Art and Narration class yesterday, we watched Tracy Moffat's 'Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy' and I found it pretty scary and sad to see an old woman crying in her sleep during a nightmare and by the time it ended and we went on our break, I was feeling like kind of a downer.
Luckily, an old man winked at me as I strolled through the EV building and that's always hilarious when it's not too pervy.
Then I made my way to Pharmaprix Drug Mart and bought a COKE ZERO in hopes of becoming Karl Lagerfeld (because he drinks Coke Zero for breakfast on the daily with a side of cornbread).
That didn't happen (I didn't actually want it to) BUT I did laugh out loud at a tabloid cover and then the girl in front of me wanted to know what was so funny and then we both laughed and that was great.
The Star magazine headline was as follows...
Angelina and Brad's baby's dental woes are front cover news and that is incredible and makes you forget all about sad things like an old woman crying in her sleep because that stuff doesn't happen in real life, right??
I will be done school in a week...not DONE done but taking a breather until summer school in July and August.
I expect to soon take on a carefree spring has sprung life of joy and gelato and soon people masquerading as my friends will come down Prince Arthur in search of gelato for free dollars and I won't even really care that much because I'll be too happy about how one can rock way more cool outfits when the sun is shining.
Well then...I must be off to bible study.
CON-U? They conned me too!
In relation, I like seeing my former prof (2x) David Leahy striking at the corner of Mackay and de Maisonneuve because the boy's got chutzpah to boot, although of course I wish he didn't have shit to strike about because it can't be THAT much fun...
I also wish that David Leahy would grow back his ponytail and I wish that I knew why he cut in the first place in February 2007...
When someone over 40 cuts off their trademark ponytail, you really wonder what kind of woman they've started dating...
The Hollywood equivalent would be if Samuel L. Jackson all of a sudden stopped wearing that hat while dating Emma Thomson and/or Angelica Houston.
In conclusion, I leave you with the age-old question...
Who done gone and chipped Shiloh's tooth?!?!
More importantly...who cut David Leahy's ponytail??
I'm on it.
If art is a crime, may god forgive me.
13 years ago
I got my haircut last week.
At First Choice obviously.
The guy cutting hair had a rat tail down to his lower back. True story. And people trusted this guy to cut their hair. Luckily for me I got the young girl. Who seemed like a stoner. Well, she didn't seem like a stoner - she seemed stoned.
On the topic of bible stuff.
In the fall term, the bible club, or Christian club. Sorry, the Campus for Christ people, approached me like 3-4 times in the cafeteria because I sit by myself and look real depressed while I do my statistics homework and stare up at pretty girls before they look at me and then I look away quickly and blush.
One time I was watching Californication when they came by, and Hank was banging some chick and tits were all out on the screen. I don't think they saw... I don't think Jesus would approve.
My crutch was I knew one of the guys in the club, so when they asked to sit with me and discuss religion, I'd just say "I know Abraham. He's got me covered. If I have questions, I'll go to Abraham, I trust him."
It always worked. They didn't convert me.
Not yet anyway...
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