Saturday, August 9, 2008


Today is the day of the garden party.

We definitely have to paint our nails to match our outfits.

Rumour has it, it might rain.

This is one of my favourite songs you forget about sometimes but ultimately adore.

You needn't be distracted by the video image as it never changes because it's not the real video. You can just let it play because you probably want to hear it.

Here's hoping it doesn't rain on the cupcake tower.

We've got a bit of cleaning of house to do but it's really no big deal.

It's really more that I came across this image accidentally and thought it was too cute to pass up but had to find a way to incorporate it into the party.

It's true that I can't eat cupcakes right now but it's still fun to make tasty things for other people like yesterday when I made chocolate-chip cookies.

I really took for granted things like absent-mindedly licking my finger or the spatula once everything else was accounted for.

It's still fun to smell stuff though.

Like movie popcorn and garlic bread.

Last night my sister and I went to see Mamma Mia and the truth is, it was pretty much the most fun we had at the movies ever in life.

I love musicals but have never seen Mamma Mia before. We know a man pushing 50 who has been to see the musical 5 times. His wife is not nearly as into it so he even goes alone.

Hilary and I just couldn't believe that my brother Alex's girlfriend Tory Tequila went to see Mamma Mia all alone. It's more fun to look into the eyes of someone you love and see they are as excited as you are, it's much cooler than a stranger who got dragged there by his girlfriend's eyeroll...

Pre-Sixth Sense Toni Collette, pre-In Her Shoes, pre-American blockbuster Toni Collette is apt to be seen in Muriel's Wedding, so if you've never go right ahead.

And THIS, you've gotta see.

This song wasn't in the movie but it was my favourite one as a wee one.

And this is my fellow jawbuster Ayan and I jumping for joy in July.

The one of her is better, which isn't to say I'm a better photographer than she is, because she is a better photographer than I am as I am not a photographer at all, only in my imagination.

She is simply a better star jumper supermodel.

I would have told everyone to go to her vernissage at Vinyl 2.5 weeks ago but alas, I was miles from the information superhighway.

And I would have told everyone to wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY if they saw her in the streets on August 1st.


1 comment:

Sarah Tone In said...

love the purple shiny shorts jumper! come visit me in NY.
we'll jump.