Monday, February 4, 2008



I have to do a presentation on Wednesday and I hate presentations and I am shaking in my boots over it actually.

It's for my ART AND NARRATIVE class and I am going to be talking about this cool book about a subway mouse that I discovered on Friday in the basement of Chapters on St. Catherine which is a great place to hang out if you're sad because kids books are funny and check out the section for tweens because when it comes down to it, puberty is also hilarious (especially for early bloomers).

I mean, puberty is a beautiful time that should be captured in oil paint way more often, right?!?!

So this kids' book that I'm super-into is illustrated with really pretty plasticine creations interspersed with GARBAGE. I relate to it because I love collecting garbage and I also love dreaming big like the protagonist, whose name is Nib and I also LOVE Nibs but I love SUPERNIBS more.

And here we have a REAL mouse.

It came up when I was googleimaging my book and I looked at it and thought it was made with plasticine at first glance but it was ACTUALLY made with REAL LIFE and so I know that the book is really well done and also that I need glasses.

So this weekend was fun and I guess nothing that exciting happened but I hung out with some bomb honeys and I've been feeling all "GIRLPOWAH!" (in British accent, duh) these days and that's cool because sometimes I think boys rule more.

Cool things I ate this weekend included soy burgers/MINI EGGS with Daniella Taylor, a curry I made with A FOUR DOLLAR CAULIFLOWER that cost more because IT WAS FANCY GREEN CAULIFLOWER and I was kind of mad I didn't look at the price but whatever, there was no regular cauliflower and the cauliflower was important...aaaaand I went to a fun potluck and basically there were a lot of chick peas in my midst this weekend and I ate each and every one of them (times 9000) and y'all are stone cold JEALOUS.

I also played Scrabble with a somewhat unenthusiastic crowd but whatever, they'll be more excited next time (I hope).

I also got a fortune cookie that said I was creative in spirit and that's always cute.

Cute. But not as fun as when your fortune cookie says "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SOME NEW CLOTHES".

In conclusion, I forgot to say that I loved it when I was in Toronto last week and heard this song about 49 times an hour.


1 comment:

S'Mat said...

Hello Nicola...
Tom here from aforementioned potluck.
Nice to be reading you... really like the format...
I'll be back...