Wednesday, September 24, 2008


A funny thing happened today.

It all started this morning shortly after 6 am, when I woke up to Rihanna singing "Please Don't Stop the Music". I danced around for about 1 minute and then realized I was still asleep.

As I lay there half-heartedly listening to the chitter-chatter of the CHOMians, I heard something that caught my ear.


Apparently, the cover of this week's People magazine announces this. Apparently, Akon made the decision to come out in the public eye because he doesn't want to teach his baby son that living a lie is the way to be. So I'm not gonna lie...I didn't know he had a fresh baby son; but there a lot of things I don't know about; including politics and geography. The radio peeps were saying that it really doesn't have to be as big a deal as People is making it out to be. And I thought, "Wow. Well then...good for him, I guess!"

I went and enjoyed the fresh air on a lovely stroll to Stella Estrella and I tried to be friendly in French, when normally I am neither here nor there; I just try and spit it like it is. I said to the lass, "Je voudrait avoir votre meilleur croissant almande!" which I think is easy to understand even if it's not entirely correct. I spoke with zeal and what felt like a twinkle in my eye...and she was cordial and wished me a good day but she did not appear to think that I was cute and fun for specifying that I wanted the best almond croissant of all the almond croissants.

[This is not it, duhv course, but I bet it tastes halfway decent.]

Some other things happened afterwards, like drinking coffee while reading my old diaries, and consequently squirming up a storm.

And then I went to school and the long and short of it is...

Here I am at Cafe Supreme on St. Laurent, where I remember hanging out doing homeworks a lot last fall. The mini-computer device I have does not appear to understand the French accent codes I have embedded in my brain, therefore sorry. They actually dropped the Supreme quite some time ago...maybe even two years ago! But without Supreme, we might never be able to call it Shitpreme (pronounced in French, bear with me) and that would be a travesty. Shit is cheapish and it tastes like shit and the music is generally shit that partly rhymes with Zack Morris' first name but you can stay and do your shit for 5 hours and no one will make you buy more than a can of root beer, so that's alright with me.

About to embark on my first English essay of the year, I splurged and bought an orange juice for TWO DOLLARS AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS and I guess things have changed because it struck me as a lot but I was sort of hungry but did not want to buy food because I think I have some at home so I settled for vitamins instead of my dear friend aspartame.

Anyway, turns out I forgot all my notes I prepared yesterday (the day on which I actually embarked on my first English essay of the year, in terms of preparation) and so, I can't actually do any of it because I'm too busy thinking about how Akon is gay...

Supposedly Beenie Man has lightened up and softened his stance on boys loving boys but I imagine he's moderately irritated with Akon right now.

If you're up on things, you already know why this whole Akon business is funny and you know that I am not knocking homosexuality by any means.

As I sat here in Cafe Shitpreme about fifteen minutes ago, I remembered the Akon thing and decided to check out People magazine online and see what all the fuss was about.

It turns out, I was in the dark for close to seven hours because it's not Akon that is gay (for all I know), it is CLAY AIKEN that has proclaimed that he is gay for the sake of his son.

My only regret is that I didn't get to say to anyone, "So did you hear Akon is gay??" before I understood that it was all a big misunderstanding. They could have told their friends, who could have told THEIR friends and it would have been a moderately fun rumour, not that rumours are ever fun; even in moderation.

Considering that Wikipedia told me that Akon is alleged to have three wives, and that Akon told Blender he has five kids with three different women, it would have been more of a big deal for him to come out than the CHOM fam made it out to be this morning.

Besides, Akon's first name is...Aliaune. And that doesn't rhyme with anything gossip-worthy, now does it?

Soanyway...I mean not to say that if you have all the aforementioned (multiple babies/babymamas) and are gay, that you should keep it all inside. How difficult it must be to deny something you know to be true even as it crushes you inside . After a certain age, it must be at least one million times more difficult to come to terms with, especially if you've spent so much energy avoiding what a lot of people seemed to think was true. I could see how it could seem easier to just not bother. This could apply to a lot of things,not just being into someone with the same kind of fun parts as you.

The truth is...we live in a land of the over-stimulated and easily bored. PROFOUND! So, whatever you are, be it sexually aroused by My Little Ponies in drag or into threesomes that involve peanut butter and jam with a Sharon, Lois and Bram soundtrack or say you happen to be a fan of the Carpenters...well anyone who thinks you're lame and insane will think your supposed quirk is just totally boring in about 5 minutes.

For real. What fun is it to go on and on about the personal life of someone who was on American Idol, like five years ago?? Surely, we have more important things to do. Like crackdown on the new 90210 cast for being the Ally McBeal of the 21st century in terms of corrupting the minds of impressionable young ladies with unfortunate ideals.

I resist the urge to provide pictures of skinny young things because you'll see them at the grocery store anyways and it's the same reason I've never done a blog on best and worst beach bods. In counting the ribs of people we'd never heard of a month and a half ago, we let them know that cutting their BMIs in half DOES make them stars!! People will say they are too thin but they'll shoot back that no one knew them until they dropped 20 or 30 and were able to involve themselves in the shooting star tradition of before and after shots.

Besides, the biggest news of the day is not that Clay is gay, or that the kids over at 90210 love eating cigarettes for breakfast.

The big news is that Clay Aiken and Lindsay Lohan are the same person.

Yikes! Talk about a sandwich, am I right?! Take that and put it in your threesome with peanut butter and jam, no? Am I right??

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Do YOU remember...


On the last day of summer, I make a point of telling anyone who cares that if they are catching feelings, well let it show. This way, you can "say that you remember dancing in September" and it will actually be true.

So love it out this evening with someone you crush on and get ready to keep one another warm come colder days.

I summoned my steady to come enjoy the last moments of sunshine on his roof, imposing myself in the midst of his household when he was totally busy and I knew that before I got there.

I fakestubbed my toe and yelped and so he came up eventually and then I was like "I was biking home and feeling emotional listening to Wilco, watching squirrels running free and I just had to come and enjoy this time here and write in my journal..."

And he told me it was a "HALLMARK HOLIDAY" and has been ignoring me ever since, eventhough the end of summer is totally a semi-medium-sized deal to me because it means we've weathered 3 seasons together and my romantic alliances normally last about as long as a bolt of lightning.

Sometimes this seemed magical but in retrospect I was like "Oh, lame."

Friday, September 19, 2008


The weekend when it would have been a year since I started this blog, I cleaned the fridge at my work. In my head I thought it would be great to write about. I say write, as opposed to blog, because eventhough I know this is in fact a blog, I am somewhat sentimental about the olden days before the internet ran the world.

You know, when children ran laughing through cornfields and monkeys chewed tobacco...

Therefore a noun I did not comprehend a couple of years ago has no right to act like it deserves to be a verb when it was hard enough to understand in the first place.

The point is, I cleaned the fridge and I don't mean that I got to take home lots of free cakes and pies and buckets of cream. If that were the case, I would have said CLEANED IT OUT. But you already knew that, didn't you...

THE POINT IS, by the time I get around to hitting this hot black keyboard...the moment is sometimes lost.

So I will try not to tell you about the holes at the bottom of the fridge, below the drawers that people don't know are removable or something (not just people at Ben & Jerry's; people of the world at large.)

Well, there there are holes made from rotting milk and somewhere between the holes and the floor, there is a sweet little nook where the old milk hangs out and when trying to clean below the drawers (after removing them; hot tip), I discovered that if I try hard enough to clean what can never truly be clean, this forgotten but not gone milk spurts out like Kill Bill fight funny blood sprays everywhere when Uma takes it to the house.

Or like when the Beverly Hillbillies struck oil.

Wait, Grant Wood knew Jack Layton back when he was a hillbilly?? How is that even POSSIBLE...

Not to name names, but don't you think Jack Layton has this totally sexy Burt Reynolds crossed with Paul Newman vibe??

If Samantha Jones taught me anything, it was that admitting to basing your political leanings on the looks of candidates has no place in lunchtime conversation among intellectuals.

But we're not having lunch, now are we...


This was the staff fridge though, so don't worry; it's not like there is anything wrong or dangerous with ice cream and dairy products actually sold to paying customers...except the fact that if you order a large [which is three scoops] and decide that you want a fourth scoop, you have to pay THREE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-NINE CENTS for that extra scoop. WHICH IS TRULY ABSURD.

In other news, apparently you have to be Totally Hair Ken 2.0 to work at Booster Juice on Sherbrooke by McGill. I saw them outside and they are an army of slick black-haired boys with semi-fauxhawk hairdos (I'll resist the urge to say hairdon't; no I won't) and that means that they are not fauxhawks and they are not mohawks. They are semi-real, I guess. Semi-real in the way that saline implants are more real than silicone ones...

Or semi-real in the way that J-LO was real when she was conning Ben Affleck

Back before blog had entered the modern lexicon and pre-teen sensations could just be pre-teen sensations that write each other notes in class...on paper.

Instead of something from another planet.

So is it just me, or does Victoria Beckham remarkably resemble these painful excuses for pre-teen sensations??

Ladies and germs, I think we've found ourselves a role model.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go name my unborn children after hip places in London, England.

And she will be called "Portabello"...and come in handy for omelettes and risotto dishes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


OH NO! I got busy!

Or maybe I've been enjoying the weather and ignoring the internet because it's warm most days so I get to wear all the cute outfits I didn't get to wear in August because I was temporarily an invalid who did not see the light of day.

If you're not knee-deep in a so-called INDIAN SUMMER then don't you fret because you can totally just buy this candle.

At my steady's currently, mentally preparing for my 9 o'clock yoga class, I have noticed something new and exciting...

He owns the former, not the latter but let's be honest, is one safer than the other?? Still, I'd give him snaps if he did own Clueless and double-snaps if he owned Buffy the Vampire Slayer, featuring Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry and introDUCING...Donald Sutherland!!!

So Peewee Herman might be in it too, but like, what's the big whoop there, right??

If it ain't Allan Cumming, then I'm not coming.



As I journey into my 5th year at Concordia, the only thing I am scared of is people born in the 1990s...NO DEFENSE.

I am happy I go to Concordia because on the 7th floor of the Hall Building, you can get a lot of free tampons and who knows when you might commence menarche??

Yes boys, this is a reference to uterus lining and if you're afraid of it, your girlfriend will eventually dump you, and maybe even your boyfriend (if he's extrememly sensitive and on his rag.)

"If it's not fun, why do it?"

So goes the team motto of Ben & Jerry's, so the over-priced magnetized notepads tell me...

They are $3.99 but this here blast from the past is sort of priceless, no?