Saturday, September 19, 2009


The party was a blast. No one stole my nailpolish or anyone's virginity. Perf.

And I made some new boy pals that live across the street! Enter the new Nick and JP! 2.0!

Okay not really because those two are irreplaceable.

But it's always fun to have boys a stone's throw away to shoot the shit with and have accidental slumber parties with when a stone's throw seems far too far away.

My friend Noah from high school just moved to Montreal across the street from me so he doesn't count but his roommates do be new; Nick and Gab they are called. When I turned them onto the best radio station of all time this morningternoon (AM 940), Rod Stewart's Young Turks came on which made me feel a bit sentimental because it reminds me of the first pants off (and shirts too in their case) dance party I had with Nick and JP on the first Wednesday of July.

Noah made me watch a play-by-play of the new Diablo game. JP says it's called "DIABLO 3" and he's excited for it too. Maybe we can all be friends??

Anyway, the play-by-play is like 10 minutes long which is about 15 longer than it should be but I feigned me some good interest for sure. Then I made Noah watch the trailer for Jennifer's Body and he said it looked stupid so I guess we're going to see it on Tuesday. I already have plans to sure this sure to be incredible cinematic experience with Liane but I don't think she will mind. She and Noah have both just started Film Studies at Concordia, so I think it should work out great. I'm generally pretty good at setting up friendships. JP is finally ready to make Candice his platonic steady. And now that I think about it, they first met the night of our first pants-off, see you next year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gab is my faver name. gab, gabe, gabriel, gabby. lovesit.