Friday, November 16, 2007


Where WAS I...Sophie's Muscle Toning Class, that's right!

Sophie makes me nervous and excited...if I say goodbye or hello or thanks for the crazy muscle toning Sophie (I've never said that), well if I say any of those things, I consider myself really really brave because anyone that I think is awesome that I don't know particularly well makes my eyes dart all over the place and my words fall all over one another...

Sophie dyed her hair. It's brown. Now she didn't know this but part of what makes her bootcamp so fucking raw is her unabashed love of peroxide.

Now her hair is brown. So is mine but I'm okay with it because I toyed with blonde from August 2006 to December 2006 and it all ended with me looking like Gwen Stefani (blonde hair DARK EYEBROWS) and it was sort of cool but only for about 3 days because I soon realized I had to wear really cool clothes/make-up all the time and that would be exhausting.

Right?! Now Sophie was out of the YMCA a while back and then my schedule changed and it's only been in the past week or so that I've been loving on her muscle toning skills again...

This girl came in a few minutes late and the class is like really crowded these days because it used to be next shit and now it's hot shit everyone knows about I guess, probably because I TALK ABOUT IT SO MUCH IN MY BLOG AND ALL MY 40 YEAR OLD WOMAN FRIENDS READ MY BLOG AND THEN GO TO THE SAME CLASS AS ME AT THE YMCA (downtown location).

You think this is some kind of sick joke?? There is actually a middle-aged woman who wears tights and a bodysuit and legwarmers which I think would be incredibly uncomfortable so I can only conclude that she gets her unique fashion tips from THE BACK OF THE MIRROR.

This came from something called American Apparel Exposed that now-defunct Clamor magazine did in 2006. It's hard to see maybe but it says "Unfortunately her brand devotion to AA could never land her a spot in one of their ads: Dov Charney thinks short hair is unnatural."

There was another one that said "Meet Melissa. She won an unofficial wet T-shirt contest held at the American Apparel apartment in Montreal.” but it's next to impossible to find the image.

I know, I know....working at American Apparel and talking about how it's not that cool to work at American Apparel and how some people who work there seem to think they are really hot and cool...well loving and hating Amerian Apparel are EQUALLY HIPSTER THINGS TO DO THESE DAYS.

That said, one time Lauren Cook called Dov Charney at around 1 am and he later called back around 4 am to ask what we guys were doing and this was also the night I ate barbeque soy nuts with peanut butter and thought this was a pretty stellar combo.

So this girl comes in and is all up in my REALLY CLOSE IN FRONT OF ME but then I totally totally fell in love with her because she is a ROCKET who makes every little thing into some superfun dance move and I thought I was feeling Sophie's DOPE FRENCH DISCO more than anybody but apparently this girl was FEELING THAT SHIT because she was basically Rosie Perez in the opening sequence from Do the Right Thing.

I would have told her I thought she was a dance rocket except that what if she started talking and sounded like Rosie Perez?? I would scream and say OH GOD I WISH YOU HAD JOEY LAUREN ADAMS' VOICE BECAUSE IT IS MUCH LESS GRATING THAN YOUR VOICE!!!

I would have circled Joey Lauren Adams or pointed arrows at her with the MS PAINT SPRAYPAINT OPTION but that would have totally ruined how incredibly crazysexycool this picture is. You don't agree? Wipe that face of your head, bitch.


I read the Jay-Z interview in Rolling Stone yesterday while standing at Chapters after I picked up some funny stuff from the BARGAIN BOOKS section for Christmas was a good read I guess, nothing wild and crazy learned but I like how he divulges just enough to keep you intrigued and lets you know he's doing okay and that you should still respect him and that's he's a total powerhouse and that he's still totally the shit even if you didn't make it through Kingdom Come and he knows where Kanye is coming from when he gets all outspoken sometimes although he doesn't condone all things Kanye has said when being outspoken. Meaning that they ask him for his final thought on Kanye saying Bush doesn't care about black people and he answers diplomatically so that those who hate Kanye won't hate him and Kanye won't hate him either and everybody wins but not everybody runs Def Jam and wraps what is arguably the real comeback album in just 3 weeks and nobody at the office got mad at him and his lady is still his lady. Hova keeps his rhymes in his head because he got tired of writing down his thoughts on little pieces of paper and having a lot of pieces of paper. I hear what he is saying, I hear what he is saying, I definitely feel him on that tip.

I love post-it notes almost as much as I love Christmas. Here is something made of post-it notes that is cool.

So Hova is happening but if you really want to have a laugh as they say in British, read the Liam Gallagher interview in MOJO.

Pretty much everything Liam Gallagher says is for no lack of the perfect words...BLOODY HILARIOUS!

I laughed out loud about 14 times thus clearing the music magazine section pretty fast because I forgot to brush my teeth. It's the best when they spell it out so you can hear his accent and seriously, I love Liam Gallagher interviews so much that when my old roommate Alliy was out of town I e-mailed her to tell her how funny the Liam Gallagher interview in EXCLAIM was hmmmmaybe around this time last year or maybe it was in the spring who knows but when she came back I had affixed it to her door complete with highlighted highlights and there it remained as something to read to up our spirits if ever they needed lifting. Liam Gallagher has no shame and the best part of the MOJO interview is when he finds out that Noel hates how long his hair is and even asked their mum when he's going to stop growing it and he goes on about how if Noel hates it then he's going to grow it so long that he needs an entourage to carry it onstage and they'll start a song and then someone will say wait no stop Liam's hair is not all on-stage yet!

He's a lover not a fighter. Nary a temper on that there starlet!

I know someone else that is harmless, no matter WHAT the font!

Back to MOJO, The A-Z of New Wave was fun to read. When The Romantics came up I got to thinking about a really great date I had about 4 years ago.

We were on the couch in my parents basement and we were watching one of those blue screen channels that plays music and fades to black if you leave the channel-changer alone for long enough...and What I Like About You came on and then Matt Joyce asked me "What do you like about me?" and it might have been corny but we'd had enough red wine that it was actually kind of a great moment for a first kiss after he told me I was smart and pretty and stylish too and I think I probably said something like well you're like, really funny and I like that and you like, have your own car.

When I was younger, we didn't even have a TV and my dad just put this poster all over the house, especially on the mirrors so that he could ensure that his daughters would not grow up vain or stupid.

Anyway, when Matt had picked me up earlier that evening for what I wasn't even sure was a date...well I had seen him pull up and then it was probably 10 minutes before he rang my doorbell which I thought was peculiar and amusing. As we got in the car, I asked him what took him so long and he pushed play on the tape deck and there it was:

"Girl meets boy on Thursday night
Boy was high girl fly like kite
They hold hands until next day"

And so on and so forth and Thursday sounds a lot like FIRST DATE in that song and he had to find that spot on the tape before he met my dad. So hey, in case you don't know what the heck I'm talking about, I'm talking about what we talk about when we talk about love. Or rather, first-date lust and how it was a rebound from first-love but so what, it was still fun.

PLUS IT WAS A SATURDAY NIGHT! What a great song! If nothing on 3 Feet High and Rising can turn your frown upside down then I don't really want to hang out with you anymore because you're kind of lame.


But first get me this for Christmas.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Doraemon. I just came back from Japan and that cat is everywhere. Well, not everywhere...that's Hello Kitty, but still in an awful lot of places.