Friday, September 21, 2007



Dear CosmoGirl,

I was walking out of the McGill gates at Milton, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but THE MOST INCREDIBLE FOREARMS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Five steps ahead of me! He made the light. I didn't. But I was hooked. And I caught up. When he and his friend turned and I turned, I knew I was following him; I NEVER go that way because I'm always thinking I might see someone that I would rather not see. He was maybe 18. Maybe 19. Almost 20? Maybe?? He was wearing a grey and white t-shirt and Lacoste sneakers (whatever), a black Drop backpack, and I don't know boys jeans but I know that they were nice jeans. Not too tight, not too loose. But just loose enough that he had to pull up his pants a bit at one point and FLEX HIS MULTIPLE FOREARM VEINS OH MY GOD DO ME NOW YOUNG CHAPanyway, when they turned left at Aylmer, I couldn't go any further because then I would have been FOLLOWING following Fabio Forearms as opposed to I was going that direction anyway and I just chose the scenic side of the street...If I had had Devil's Pie with me I definitely would have put it on because that's a hot sex jam and anyone who says otherwise is a DEAF PRUDE. It was definitely the most arousing thing that has happened to me in weeks. Besides Barely Legal Volume 17 (Thanks Hans!)...
The Babysitters Club

As you may know, an underground club called the UN has deemed September 21st International Peace Day. I hereby propose a retrospective on one of the most prominent examples of using your celebrity for a good cause...BONO. Here he is, ladies and germs! I think he's had some work done...maybe even a sex change??



Seriously though, I'm all for world peace. And one more try in rehab.

And now I present to you.....LINDSAY LOHAN!!!

The righteous bros of the day are Earth, Wind and Fire, one of my all-time fave bands.

September is an incredible jam, and one that everyone should make a point of listening to on this day SPECIFICALLY. If you know the words, you know what I mean, and if not GET WITH IT.

Plus it's an epic video regardless...

It's been a long time since I had some awesome love on this day, but this year, just like last year, I'm going to make cute couple friends of mine come visit me at work so then I can tell them LISTEN UP HERE IS A ROMANTIC GIFT! I don't know who I will choose...(CAITLIN MANICOM AND BEN VERDICCHIO!!!)



P.S. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien was published on this day in 1937. I heard they are making a movie of it and I predict it will be HUGE. You heard it here first!


1 comment:

Geoff! said...

I just want you to hold my hand.