First Evan and Sara in holy matrimony...

Then Kweku post-Milton breakfast, en route to score numbers no doubt...

Then Tommy, who may or may not have a bald spot??

Sorry boys and girls, he's not up for grabs but ain't he fun to look at??
Supposedly when Tommy is bored sometimes, he holds a suitcase on the French version of Deal or No Deal. I watched Deal or No Deal once with my old roommate Alliy and our downstairs neighbours Matt and Stevie when they invited us over to watch the Superbowl in 2007 and then eventually the Superbowl was over and I guess Deal or No Deal was on and I was like last time I saw that guy he had way more hair.
Style blog/vile snog!
So these are some dresses I picked out at 2 am last week on my way home from the library at a fancy store on de la Montagne that I would probably get dressed up for if I ever actually ventured inside.
Who wants red the most??

Who wants black the least??

I thought these would be great for Bjork and Helena Bonham Carter to fight over.
I think that maybe if they went to the same party and traded halfway through the night, that would be a really great solution.
Bjork! Bjork! Let's not break an egg over this!

Okay, okay, you can have this one too.

Sorry Helena Bonham Carter, I just don't think it would suit you.

Whateva gurl, Tim Burton thinks so too.

Johnny! Hey! I didn't know you were coming! Nice moustache?
That's enough style blogging for today, check out Little Dragon if you're bored, I think they make cool music.
Gilles Peterson played a new jam of theirs on Radio1 on Thursday called Never Never that really made me feel like I wish this was my song and my band and we were jamming on a rooftop garden in Paris, you know??

Damn she cute. [God damn you half-Japanese girls.]
The Little Dragon jam kicks in at about the 26:48 minute mark and you could skip in to find it but it's really just such a good show to hang out to, you should just go listen to the whole thing and also there is a cool song right before that one sung by this lovely voice belonging to a little lady named Melody Gardot and I am really feeling on this sugar, yup yup yup.
And it's fun how British people have a way of making things sound way more exciting, as in "HUGE CHOONS!" and "WU TANG REVAMP".
You can vamp your way into an alternate universe 36 chambers with some new Shimmy Shimmy Ya action within the first 5 minutes of the show, cool yeah!
Okay, go listen to da whole fing!
This past week I got some cool reminders of the cool thing about when my friends leave Montreal.
My friend Sarah from Vancouver made me this postcard out of the cardboard that tights come wrapped around!

And my friend Dina from Boston made me this card and you can't tell but it's actually not just a funny postcard sized card it is THE SIZE OF A STANDARD PIECE OF LINED PAPER WITH THREE HOLES IN IT.

It came in a HUGE envelope.
SO exciting. Seriously, it was the coolest thing to come home to after a long night at the Concordia library at 3 am on Friday night/Saturday morning after basically machete-ing my way through the masses of trampy legs and heels and Marciano and Ed Hardy and cologne and hair products that never fail to harsh my mellow on St. Laurent between Prince Arthur and Pine.
I asked my sister if it was a cool band I'd never heard of in the picture and as far as she knew it wasn't but maybe it's Skeeter, Dorm and Spawn or a band with a cool name like that maybe.

Their greatest hits are always on sale at Pharmaprix for $9.99 and every single time I have to wait too long for prescriptions I almost accidentally/on purpose buy it.