Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey hey happy birthday to Melania Hadida-Trump.

You excel in gold-digging. What are you doing Melle Mel? You at work surfin the web?? Hoping that for your birthday, I will fulfill your wish and do a special feature on all the different theories for why the world will end in 2012??


Ask Gilles Peterson about the world ending in 2012 and his theory will probably have something to do with how last Thursday was the special Q-Tip episode, complete with interview and live shit.

Here's Q-Tip's ManWomanBoogie video, seen it??

At first I thought maybe it was sort of cool but now I think it might be sort of boring?? I like the jam though, sexy beat.

See the thing is...if you're going to do a "IT WAS JUST A DREAM!" video in this day and age, you might think to look back and consult with your girl Janet, who got the right idea. That dreams should involve off the hoook teen ragers or they're not worth dreaming, you know??

Anyway, as for 2012 and the world ending...Mel! I heard there was some Mayan theory?? Have you seen this ring-bracelet thing Ayan has been wearing lately?? It's sort of Mayan looking. It's really complicated. Like Mayan ruins... It's like a ring, maybe two and then there's this part that goes over her hand and...well anyway, I'm not the only one who has brought up a certain Janet Jackson video we love to love upon seeing Ayan's cool jewelery...


Mel, I got you some presents at my favourite store LE CHAINON: Coffre de Trésor on St. Laurent on my way home from yoga.

This is some other stuff I got for like 80 cents total.



If you look closely you can see that it says "Chris Brown in the role of Christ".

What a coincidence! Chris Brown turned up 25 minutes late to court to plead not guilty!

The world is definitely ending in 2012!

Old cigarette ads are funny.

Marigolds, daisies, mums.
A shop full of flowers.
But for them, it's one perfect rose.
He chose it. For her. To remember.
Their cigarette? Viceroy. They won't settle for less.
It's a matter of taste.

Smoking in a flower shop! I can't think of anything more tragic or less romantic!

Except I guess if you think about the world as a flowershop that is getting Jamaican showered with shit to the max. Mom's gonna find out, you know? Mother Earth?? She's onto you guys, you guys.


I hope the world doesn't end in 2012, mostly because I have some faraway friends I have to visit first...

Tony! Toni! Toné!

And Mary-Kate and Ashley!


Siegfried and Roy??

Cultural ambassadors for aluminum foil freaks apparently. Or as Gilles Peterson might say...ALUMIN-IUM.

Big up Melle Mel on the big two five!


Sarah Tone In said...

yeah - the world doesn't actually end - just as we know it cue REM..and I feel...fine?

Atherton said...

I like Ayans look better. I always worried that Janet would get her face chain caught in a tree branch and ouch! ouch! ouch!