Friday, April 10, 2009


I talked to my brother this morning and he said "Wow, you sound so chipper." And I told him it was because I woke up to this song on AM940.

I love this song. I talked to my sister and told her I was tidying up and she said "I know that you're kind of old when you say things like 'tidying up'." I guess I could say the same for my brother saying "chipper".

I wanted to hear Lisa Bonet singing and came across this which makes it even better.

Lisa Bonet is magic.

I read this article in Vogue the other day with her daughter Zoe Kravitz and her BFF Olivia Thilby (Ben Kingsley's crush-worthy daughter in The Wackness/Juno's BFF in Juno) and ummmm couldn't really decide if I wanted to hang out with them or if I really didn't want to hang out with them ever...

I think I was maybe just jealous that they were going shopping and I was taking a break from essaying...

That said, a fortune cookie told me recently, "You are going to have some new clothes."

Yesterday was my last official day of classes at CON-U.

I spent the night at the library and I got 4 chocolate-covered almonds from the Hall building after I told the security guards I was only going to my locker.

I told them about the almonds though when I came back to get my student ID, just so I could make sure that someone else thought it was outrageous that I only got 4 chocolate-covered almonds for 25 cents.

Tonight is Mel's fancy birthday...WINE AND CHEESE.

Does this mean I have to wear a dress??

My dad is coming to visit me today. Today it's not raining.

Also, I have for some reason been receiving Star magazine in the mail for like 2 months. I never ordered it. No one ever ordered it for me. It's cool I guess because now I don't read it at the grocery store, I can read it in secret.


1 comment:

Sarah Tone In said...

what are you supposed to do on passover anyway? I'm doing the master cleanse. I just started it 10 minutes ago and somehow I'm now voraciously hungry. I spent half my rent money on overpriced light blue levi 501s today, and a white t shirt. from Urban Outfitters. I should never go in there. this outfit is my passover present I guess?