Sunday, July 26, 2009


Just got back from a fantastic scary movie I saw with my long-lost friend from high school Evan Miller.

I'm definitely a gasper and a screamer when it comes to scary movies, a coverer of eyes and ears, a hugger of her own knees and a terrified grabber of neighbours' thighs. This was no exception.

I ran into Evan in the early evening at the bookstore where I was buying a pretty notebook and a Dennis Lee book of poetry called SO COOL (about the trials and tribulations of being a teen). Evan was on his way to catch a flick at Fantasia and invited me to join his alone self for the it starts in fifteen minutes show at Concordia. So onward we went and HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, it was the scariest thing ever and in this totally terrifying slow way that is not what I've experienced in most of my (admittedly limited) scary movie watching career. Isn't there usually a bloody murder within the first seven and a half minutes?? This was so scary even before anything gruesome happened, and nothing gruesome happened for quite a while. And then when it did, OH MY GOD. Here's the trailer.

It was a perfect end to an awesome weekend. We talked about what's the deal with fixed gear bikes sans breaks (the deal equals no deal kids, they're silly), how we're going to make it happen as writers (top secret, y'all), this long-forgotten cult that was all the rage in the spring of grade 10 (thanks to me and Katie and some ballpoint pens and pentagrams), and how music is fun and Evan will be rocking out on Thursday and I will be rocking out on Friday with Hollerado and the Uplift Choir that is seriously so much fun so far you guys, seriously. Evan told me he's been in this band Whiskey Trench since May and I was like no way, I used to make out with the drummer years ago, how crazy is that. Not as crazy as some other way fun coincidences that have thankfully plagued me as of late.

[IN RELATION NOTE: Their show is on Thursday at Escogriffe.]

More on that later?? For now I leave you with the poor man's Brooke Shields.

Nice try, Michelle Johnson.

Michelle Johnson, you''ll never Suddenly Susan in this town again/ever, Michelle Johnson.


Friday, July 24, 2009


My sister opened my eyes to this wonder yesterday.

It made me feel good, you know?? I think we should all file it in the wait I'm sure there's something in here that could make me feel better file. High fives all around, thanks Hilary.

Also, this has been me since Sunday.

Today my friend Tuan Dinh is going to fix me up a little bit so I look like less of person missing one of her key front teeth in its entirety.

Funny thing is I think I look sort of pretty, maybe I miss this little space I used to have between my teeth before they got knocked the fuck over and out.

So I'm like, cool, a big space!

Yesterday, cinq a septing it with Nick and my new galpal Anaise (A-NA-EESE), I got this apricot beer with a lemon in it and they were like spit the seed out of your hole and I was like you asked for it, and Nick was like, when my teeth were fucked I would stuck a cigarette in the space and smoke it and I was like no thanks, but that is sort of funny.

Yesterday, in betwixt sept and my cross-town mission to track down Blame It On Rio, I came home to a frantic Denise with worried hands and eyes and face, saying "Something terrible happened. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this." Naturally, I think that someone I care about is seriously hurt or dead. Hilary is the same way. She was telling me how last week this Olymic gold medalist we know showed up at our front door in Ottawa, with "some really bad news".

Hilary was mad at him when he revealed that his knee injury or something was being a biatch and that his faraway doctor was like go see a doctor where you are to see if it's infected or whatever, and my parents are doctors. Yes, keeping in tip-top shape is his livelihood or whatever but still. He'll be fine but my Expos whisky glass will not be. That was the terrible thing that happened. Denise broke what she knew was my favourite glass. I was practically overjoyed at this news and laughed in her face and told her really, don't worry about it.

More on Rio later, I gotta go to the dentist.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


This song really suits the truth.

Apparently Shonen Knife are touring North America in a hot minute, which means that maybe I can see them in New York City in either October or November because maybe that would be fun.

Yesterday I saw one of my very talented Second Cup foam art boys on the street promoting his comedic endeavours. I don't know how funny they are but his gang has a show at Just For Laughs until the 26th and maybe we should all go and look at their website and judge whether or not it might maybe be a funny outing.

UNDERPLAYED AND IN DEMAND: Alternative Comedy Sells Out

Turns out the web site is basically the same as the flyer but with a colour photo. So now I know the colour of their clothes. I don't have to guess anymore! Cool to know guys, but maybe one of you should wear red next time or something. The plaid couch is a nice touch though, see you there.

Lately when cruising on my loaned from Liane cycle I have crowned Sister Nancy, I find myself asking myself "On a scale of one to ten, how excited are you for your Golden Grahams??"

By lately I mean since yesterday but wow, am I ever excited.

I went to buy an avocado yesterday and came out with no avocado but I did ball out with Corn Pops and Golden Grahams. I haven't bought let alone eaten Corn Pops in about two years I'd say and I have never bought Golden Grahams, I'm not even sure why I decided I maybe liked them but wow, was I ever right.

Corn Pops are still super good though. I thought I'd ease into it yesterday, getting two mugs and filling each with their own special cereal, so as to not confuse the milk with this momentous romantic encounter. Turns out they get along great so since then I've been into putting them in the same bowl, maybe even giving them a little flirtatious toss, who knows.

Nick Paget and I are going museuming this aft and then lots of fun stuff will happen when JP gets home from work, I'm sure. Like they will play Nazi Zombies and I will paint my nails and every now and then we'll remember how cute Demi Moore's rack was pre-implants...

...and JP will come up with rude but fitting nicknames for Rumer Willis.

So see Blame It On Rio, that's what I bet we're doing later because JP won't stop talking about it.

Do you think that the other girl is maybe the worst actress of all time??

Can't wait.

Too bad she showed her booms in her first flick or she might have had a really successful career, you know, like Pheobe Cates.

By now we've all forgotten what Pheebz looks like minus the red bikini top, I'm sure.

[Lest we forget...]

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Looks like an okay day for Scrabble, no??

Not long ago, I commented to an old friend how much he had grown up since we first met. Real jobbishing it from 9 to 5, he spoke the truth: "Well Nicola, sooner or later you realize you can't do blow off car trunks at 4 am forever." If I mentioned his name it might imply that I think drugs are cool and they're not, but we definitely had a good chuckle over that one and I think his sitcom timing is perfect.

Like all good fans, I checked out this friend's recycling box as I strolled by it yesterday, just in case there was something valuable to sell on ebay. Truth be told, I saw there were some posters and wanted to see what he had decided was worth pitching. One was a map (which you obviously don't need when you have found your sense of direction in life??) And the other was a pretty funny thing to find in an I'mgrowinguppers' recycling box.

It's definitely a first-year university poster. Just ask my sister! She had it in res at Dal and her floorperson was all "Hey are you a lesbian, you can tell me you know" and she was all "Gag me with a spoon" probably.

Next week's recycling may include the we smoke pot and own a snake house staple number one.

Or the we do lines off vintage French porno mags and pop our collars house staple number duh what did you expect.

On the look at me growing up tip, last week I got a fantastic poster 15 year-old Brooke Shields wearing nothing but wide eyes and Keith Haring painting and I hung it over my bed, above Michael Jordan dunking vs. the Lakers.

In conclusion, let's blow off fifth and hit the mall for a calorie fest and the latest Christian Slater.

You in??

Friday, July 17, 2009

REAL TALK: read only file.

The rumours are true, la vita e bella.

Be forewarned that I'm about to get real and if you came for the silly, today ain't it.


When packing up my belongings on Drolet last month, I opted not to carry on with my journals begun in 1993. Not that I wouldn't keep writing, just that I wouldn't keep my past at arm's length for easy but often aggravating reference.

If you hadn't already heard, I remember everything that ever happened ever. It's a slight exaggeration but ever so slight. Seriously.

I also have a compulsion to write everything down and keep track of the most inane things, like how I bought an AERO chocolate bar on March 17th, 1996 at 5:27 pm at IGA in a small-town Alberta small-town with name that means nothing to me because we were probably only passing through.

Truth be told, a lot of the things I wrote in the early to mid-90s, are certified gut-busters, I'm telling you, this shit is funny. The high school parts are relatively amusing in a cringe-worthy way that is sometimes sad but pretty vital if I ever hope to be grown-up and have some real understanding of what it's like to be a teenager in a way that allows me to be friends with two or three of them, maybe even some I made with someone who is cool, who knows.

Notice I said teenager and not teen. It's because I'm being serious. And being a teen is serious stuff.

Without them in front of me, I can think of nine journals amassed since grade 2. They sit safely in my parents basement, or maybe in the closet I always closed before I went to sleep when I was small, so as to not be taunted by the 6'4 faceless man in a trenchcoat that hung out in there scaring the shit out of me.

My high school ramblings are plagued by a now painfully obvious sense of self-censorship that started to evaporate when I turned 18. I used to write the truth and apologize for it in the same sentence, as though the people that loved or hurt me would need an explanation.

It's funny because I never even realized that writing was my favourite thing until a couple of years ago, but I wrote in a way that oddly anticipated readers and I know that in reading the once-private ramblings of writers I admire, like Joyce Carol Oates, they are most gripping in that they were not written for me but for she or he who wrote them.

My journals over the past six years are the real deal, and they are for me, which isn't to say that I don't in the back of my mind consider that my truths may be unearthed eventually by someone other than myself. I guess I think that at that point I will be long gone and it will not really matter who I offend with my loves and loathes and pretensions.

It's not so much that my journals are filled with secrets, more so extensions of what people close to me are already aware of but that I would not like to overwhelm them with. There are times I wish I could have talked more than I wrote but I think I'm learning.

This year has been particularly overwhelming and particularly not at all what I would have anticipated a year ago this month. Keeping track of myself in writing will go on forever, but I'm going to try to put more talking into the mix as I wish I'd done after my accident last summer which set off some major bummer feelings that I failed to acknowledge or begin to deal with until it all went from major to majorly major.

A lot of fear and anxiety came about near the end of last summer, and I kind of tried to pretend I didn't feel different except in a great way that offered me a renewed lust for life. I didn't want to feel anything but lucky and happy but walking the walk is easier said than done. There was a particular hospital happening that became the most terrifying night of my entire life because I honestly felt that I was going to die and since you're not me that might seem ridiculous because I was talking the talk a month later but I felt different with a thousand new worries about everyone and everything I couldn't control and it sucked so I tried to pretend I felt happy-go-lucky but I didn't. And when I realized how much pretending I'd been doing it was like MAJOR TSUNAMI, LOOK OUT! But it was too late.

My regrets have shrunk by a thousand in the past month or two and I am filled with the reassurance that every era of lameness brings some light and also with the good fortune of having a sunny disposition that sometimes hides but is never really gone.

What was I talking about?? Oh that's right, journals.

Soanyway, it's all fine and well to record your life as it passes but also pretty important to live it and not dwell on all the shit you wrote too soon, at least not for five or ten years when your perspective has multiplied by nine thousand.

Too often I have looked in the way too recent past to understand why things unfolded as they did and usually my writing is just a way more gut-wrenching look at what is already gut-wrenching in my memory, so it's not exactly beneficial.

My journals ought not to be burned but I realize that I carry enough of myself with me when I'm naked as it is, so off they go to Ottawa.

This has been all over the place but what I wanted to tell you is that people are good. Packing up my life on Drolet the week after my holiday in June, I realized that the slightly overripe pea-green leather notebook I began in March was nowhere to be found. It wasn't in Ottawa, it wasn't in my apartment, I hadn't remembered seeing it since our holiday but I couldn't fathom how I could have let such a heartfelt record of myself disappear like that.

The cool thing was that I knew I was feeling happy and good about myself again because it didn't make me cry. And it wasn't because I'd become numb to feeling bummers, it was because I knew that whether or not I had record on paper of the way I felt, I was in touch with myself and true to myself.

For a far-away stranger with no knowledge of the people or places I wrote about, it would certainly make for a juicy summer read...

When they finished they could file it between The Bell Jar and Prozac Nation!

Or would this stranger be someone who shares the compulsion to write things down and make it their mission to return my tome to me...

Now and then I have scolded myself for my carelessness; missed the buttery green leather and the soft white ribbon that kept my place. But these moments have been thankfully fleeting.

So you know that Christina Aguilera song where she says they say if you love something let it go??

The saying is something about if it comes back, you never lost it.

If I never got my little green journal back, would the pieces of myself I put in it just disappear?? The answer is no! Lucky me!

I let go of the security I thought I got from having my life records at arm's length and wouldn't you know it, yesterday I got an e-mail from a sweet little lady named Monica in les Iles de la Madeleine and she will be sending me my little green notebook shortly.

I'll be glad to have it back but I'm going to do something I've never done before. I am going to put it away before I have a chance to review it enough that the slivers of photographic memory I have effortlessly blow it open to the lowest of lows, although miles and miles away from the tangible pages themselves.

I lost something else last month that I thought would make me more upset than it did.

On January first of this year, I wrote myself a letter to be opened ten years later by an infinitely older and wiser version of myself.

I had had a conversation the night before that opened doors I thought I had closed, and unearthed feelings I was unaware existed. I realized that everything I had felt somewhat sure about was actually pretty all over the place, but sealing these thoughts in a self-addressed stamped envelope kept them at a distance without disregarding them entirely. Even though my journal was just for me, writing about what may or may not be in ten years with complete honesty was too much to have at my fingertips. So I sealed it up and sent it away, and continued to to do this at the beginning of every month.

June got lost though. And July was never written. But it's okay, I'm okay with it!

Now I see that these letters I refuse to rip open for at least a decade were a sort of preparation for letting go of the words I allow to weigh more than they should.

Words and memories will always dance around in my head begging to be written down and this is sometimes seriously annoying but ultimately I think it's a good thing.

So the final thought is get your innards out in whichever way suits you, but try not to think too much. Less thinking, more living. L-I-V-I-N. With a reasonable amount of caution, of course.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hey sup, three cheers for Mike Chui for being the only man who's ever said he was into coming to yoga with me at 9am that actually followed through with it. That said, my dad is pretty cool because he came once at 10am which isn't that early if you normally go to work at 7am but when you're on holiday it is.

Other cool peeps in my midst include long-losters JP and Nick, re-introduced into my life a fortnight ago which is cool because they live about 1.6 minutes away from me and seem to have an open bar whenever I come over.

JP is a big fan of ripping his shirt apart and Nick is a big fan of supporting JP's shirt-ripping endeavours and defending JP's honour should anyone suggest JP is anything more than a sweet little squirrel who wouldn't hurt a nut.

They are my gay boyfriends besides the fact that they are not gay.

They are, however, basically going steady.

After a couple of years living in Paris, Nick decided to spend the summer with JP in Montreal being a trophy wife. JP gets up early to go to work as a big cheese in the video game biz and comes home to dine with Nick in the evening, Nick who will most likely be sipping on a cosmo and keeping his carbs in check.

When I asked Nick what he does with his days, he told me "Oh not much. I basically wake up, go to the gym, and wait for JP to come home." He also tidies a bit around the house.

Yesterday I stopped in on them around 7pm on the way home from my yoga class and I was like "what'sup" and they were like "making dinner"and I was all "great, I'll be back in 10, I just need to have a shower before choir practice."

Since I'm not working much I guess I'll just go steady with Nick and JP considering all I did yesterday was wake up, go to the gym, and hope that JP was home so we could all have dinner. Nick and Nicola need to keep up their fitness for JP's sake. He works so hard, at the very least he should have some platonic taut and toned young things to ogle after a long day at the office. [They say if I flash them every two weeks I don't ever have to do the dishes.]

Last Wednesday me and Nick and JP went to Candice's birthday party and I told them there would be lots of girls there and there were more like lots of boys who like boys there dressed in identical black leather bomber jackets, which isn't to say we didn't have a supreme time there because we did. We did not, however, feel that into going to the club a bit after midnight so we sauntered towards our beds but then one nightcap turned into 6 and we had a new wave pants-off dance party until 4am when JP said no more you guys, no more. Near the end we left the 80s behind and lost our shit to Fuck the Pain Away like four times in a row.

Tonight we're double-dating, me and my new roommate Denise vs. JP and Nick vs. THE MOVIES ON A TUESDAY. Junior Mints not included/sold separately.

In relation, when I opened JP and Nick's fridge within 32 seconds of entering their apartment last night, JP asked me if I was going to be their Kramer, which would be an honour, see you there.

Monday, July 13, 2009



Saturday, July 11, 2009


No, but really, does anyone else have the problem where craigslist comes up Spanish every time you try and go to craigslist Montreal??

I just tried it a number of times and recall this happened to me a couple of weeks ago, the last time I thought I might be in the need for a new/nother job.

It was on this same computer, so I think it has something to do with this mini computer thing in front of me that says ASUS Eee PC SERIES.

It's so weird because connecting from google, you think it's going to come up English and all of a sudden when it gets there, it's ESPANISH.

Been there, done that? In GRADE SEVEN?? Needless to say, I'm going to have to go out and do it the old fashioned way. ON FOOT.

I have fun at Ben & Jerry's and I will admit I am at times a lacklustre employee. I'm nice and friendly but I'm not particularly fast or efficient. And I tend to forget things my boss says in real life staff meetings and e-mails, about things like booking off work by a certain time by writing it in a certain place, etc. She accommodated my last-minute Bluesfest day request but I think she's telling me to get it together as my name appears but once on this week's schedj.

So much for the "You will be next in line for a promotion" fortune. HA. Luckily, there's always "You would make a good lawyer" to fall back on.

It's probably about time I expanded my horizons anyway, I started slanging gelato in 2006 and my right arm muscle is seriously way more defined than my left. I only really noticed it a couple of days ago. It feels SO different. As in people laugh when I make them feel it. Therefore, I am going to pump iron on the left in like 20 minutes.

This is serious stuff.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hiya kids! The past week and a half or so have been so totally awesome though, right?? Huge choons all around, I've been a lucky ducky. I went to the Femi Kuti show alone and I used to go to shows alone a lot, in Ottawa and then when I first moved to Montreal and still wanted to go to hip-hop shows but didn't really know anyone. And then, I don't know, I got jaded or something and never went to any shows in eons except for Devin's rap shows and THEN...I recently woke up from a coma or something and am really into having fun again and being a concert-goer and it feels good.

So at the Femi Kuti show I met new peeps via my cool moves and crowd-weaving skills (it's easy when you're short and alone to go to the front.) When there's like a group of people all trying to make their way up they're those assholes but if it's one little lady on the slippery snake tip it's like blink and you'll miss it how can we even be mad it was over before it started party on wayne, etc.

After the show I ended up at this jazz bar I'd never been to called Le Balmoral and I had some good conversation and whisky. This adventure offered me a ticket to Toots and the Maytals and Burning Spear last night and I'm no reggae connoisseur but I know it makes me feel good and my inviter had seen the latter 6 times so I figured it would be some real good feel good shit. And it was! The show was four hours long and a total funfest.

Toots was wearing like blue leather track pants and a blue leather vest. He was fun and funny and happy and radiated dance energy and love. This was the first jam, which reminded me of working at Bluenotes way back when because it was on a loop all summer long. I got over it and it was perfect.

WHOA. I just looked up when Burning Spear was born and it turns out he's only 61! I mean I know that's old as fuck and all, but I thought the guy was like 74!

Either way, the jam went on for forEVER and our main man had some crazy fancy footwork, not that I could see his actual feet but the way he moved he just like floated and you I could tell his feet were moving like four-hundred thousand BPM and it was total magic.

Oh and also, on Canada Day I saw Bell Orchestre and it was nice dreamy music to lie on the grass with your eyes closed to...

Also, yesterday I went to Dairy Queen by myself and got a medium cookie dough and Reese's pieces Blizzard and wrote a letter and wore my new blue denimy (but actually jersey knit) tube dress that I love and my tried and true Arizona Iced Tea cowboy boots and I biked to the one in Westmount that was filled with cute kids and I wrote a letter on the patio in the sun and it was such a way ideal summer sunny day, high fives all around.

My recently returned to my life friends Todd Marsky and Nick Paget escorted me to lunch at l'Avenue on Mount Royal this aft and I forgot that the cottage idea was this weekend so I could not join them post-lunch to head up to Nick's cottage because I have to work at 5 but it was a cool idea anyway.

I spent this morning sunning myself in parc Jean Mance reading How to Be Good.

So now you know everything.

Carry on/as you were.

ALSO, for being a tiny moment in at Bluesfest and Osheaga, we get some free passes yo!


Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hey bees and gees, the forecast for today is sunny sunny sunny. This is great news!

No time for indoor games kids, we gotta go outside. Maybe hit up your fave Dairy Queen??


P.S. This is a poem I wrote when I was seven that will remain in my brain forever (thanks to my trusty Mountain Dew extreme sports helmet.)

Outside I can play a game
Using all the nature things
Trees I climb are wide and high
Sometimes I watch the birds fly
Icky lakes I do not like
Decidingly, I put on my water shoes
Excellent, now I'm out of the blues!

Squiggly red line tells me decidingly isn't a word. There it goes again, wow. I guess my grade 2 English teacher was decidedly silly and as a result, so am I. Or I guess that you can't always trust the squiggly red line.


P.P.S. My poem was on the bulletin board in the hall for all to see! This is kind of like the coveted cool of being on the payroll at Vice magazine.

P.P.P.S. What the heck did she mean by that anyway??

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The verdict is out. New Order rules and Age of Consent is such a good song to wake up to. Period. Period. Period. Exclamation mark!

It's like dance around in your underwear in the movies style perfect.

Other cool stuff equals the Pet Shop Boys have a show at Metropolis on August 29th.

I do believe that will be so much fun.

Other cool stuff equals De La Soul on August 22nd. Exclamation marks!!! That's the day after my birthday. Kweku and I listened to Stakes Is High like 9 times during our Sunday sangria party the other day, I believe the day was Sunday. We is stoked.

I've seen De La Soul three times. High and rising?? Can't wait. THEY RULE!

One of these days I'll wrap up what happened with that karaoke contest that was my whole life for two point two five months straight. So yeah, I'll all ya'll about it for sure, real soon. Eventhough that news is so three fortnights ago. There's an interesting twist involving a male escort agency, though. (Do hold your breath.)

More the latest is that I'm in a choir?? Kweku is repping this choir to accompany the band of these guys we went to high school with at Osheaga and Bluesfest in Ottawa. They are called Hollerado.

Here is a video clip of them!

So the choir, yeah, this is pretty cool and funny because Kweku and I were in a choir together TEN YEARS AGO. I've mentioned it before, we went on tour to Austria (in the spring of 2000) and bathed in the Sound of Music.

First practice is tonight at 7, which is cool because I'm pretty sure high school choir practice was at like 7 am. Hey Kweku, this is the life.

Yup yup yup, the rain's a bummer guys but the hills are still alive.

When the world is wet and your white shorts are showing your pink panties, think of Ray Romano. Or the other one, you know, the drop of golden sun??



Sunday, July 5, 2009


The following jam has some funny noises that some of you might hate and think are really cheesy and lame but the fact of the matter is, I had this song in my head without being able to place it for well...probably between when I brushed my teeth at 1:57 am and got in bed around 2:08 am and fell asleep around 2:18 am (glory of all glories for someone who couldn't sleep like a normal person for like 3 months straight.)

Today on my bike ride to my yoga class on Parc, I tried really really hard to remember it and it left me as all frustrating thoughts should during the class itself but the struggle continued until after I moisturized after my shower and made plans to make sangria with Kweku about 38 minutes from now.

In my head it sounded housey and the only lyric I could think of was HEEPOLAYLAY. I decided to google that noise with "house" at the end of it.

"hipolele house"

Came up with some stuff about something called hip-hop?? Ale house?? EN TOUT CAS.

I decided it must fit in somewhere between 2001 and 2003. Dimitri from Paris??  I used to really dig that noise.

〔Why did the font just change and have mondohuge spaces between words??〕

I found that it came from Dimitri from Paris After the Playboy Mansion album, which was a poolside backyard staple when I was 17.

It's actually called Ibo Lele .

Here is the version I was looking for, by Jephte Guillaume

And here is a song by the same name from the Philedelphia soundtrack.

In relation, this is another blast from the past.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


SUP Y'ALL, if you peep the links to your right ever, you may have noticed that there is a new addition in the way of my girl Ayan's blog. She has recently left me for a hard life in St. Maarteen in the Carribean. Quelle drag for her, I'm sure.

Today we have another, but instead of figuring out how to link it on the right, which always seems really hard, I'm going to link it in here. That used to seem hard but now it's easy.

Peep my girl Hillary's foodish blog. You might remember her from fun things like that time we went swimming in the Lachine canal on a really hot day at the end of June. I sure do.

My old/new roommate Caroliner and I went out for breakfast today at a new (for me) spot on St. Denis, across from the tried and true hotspot that is l'Evidence. It's the one next to Lafleur that looks like it's some place where cougars go and drink cosmos and talk about who is "SUCH A CARRIE!" and what is "SO SAMANTHA!" They were playing Ray of Light went we entered. Club B-fast. It was on fire.

Friday, July 3, 2009


The order of business of the day now that I got my teef cemented back onto my stumps by my funny little dentist Tuan is get tickets to Femi Kuti.

Sunday. Metropolis. Not free but so worth it. Going to be da bomb. Yo.

As for Stevie Wonder, I went with my sister's boy Russell and we had a sweet time in our bike helmets, but I'd say 75% of people at the concert were major downers and I mean major.

As someone once told me Oscar Wilde said, the show was a success but the crowd was a disaster. I don't know if Oscar Wilde said that, but I was like oh I know what you mean, thumbs down to the Kingston crowd and good for you.

Tuesday night at the concert boasted lameness like this. Hands in pockets, text message fighting instead of having fun, acting like someone yelled "FREEZE!" and mad peeps agreed and subsequently FROZE in practical scowls. It was embarrassing to be in the midst of an overall too cool for school crowd. Why did you downers even come, you know??

I think that if there's going to be a free show, you should have to try out to be part of the audience. Are you fun? Will you move? Will you holler back when asked to holler back?? Do you appreciate how cool it is that you have this opportunity to see someone as the coolest as Stevie Wonder for free dollars?? Sheesh, yeesh, jeez. DOWNERS.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I had a dream. A dream that I would wake up early(ish) on July 2nd and swim a hundred laps in the midst of the jungle of a backyard that is my dad's glorious creation, while listening to the Money Talks soundtrack on a sawdust infused tapedeck that just keeps on keeping on.


I am naked but for Tangerine Dream on my fingernails and Sublime Strawberry on my toenails and my hundreth lap finishes at the end of the side that ends with Barry White going on about his first, his last, his everything.

I am reminded of long ago learning the true meaning of PHAT (Pretty Hot And Tempting) and it turns out this is real life and the only imagined part of this blissful rise and shine episode is that the orange nailpolish on my fingernails turns out to be called Tequila Sunrise and not Tangerine Dream.

I'll big up Canada Day when I figure out how to take the pictures off my camz and put them on my mini-computer thing and when I figure out how to put into words the spirit of the Almighty Todd Marsky and how it made Canada Day in Ottawa especially supercool.

The big up for today is for my homegirl Liane, also known as Leelee (yes, like the Sobieski.) Some of you may be familiar by the sweetness that is the chocolate cookie as created by my homegirl Liane, also known as Leelee (yes, like the Sobieski.) Anyway, LC (like the Lauren Conrad) has after a whisper past a year of friendship decided I am worth sharing the top secret recipe with so that I may spread her love to a select few Montreal folk while she is in France for the summer playing with Parisian babies.

Cute! So, I have followed the recipe exactly except that Liane uses milk chocolate chips and my moms and pops ain't got none'a'doze and Liane uses faux vanilla of which there is also none. That might sound like an upper and not a downer and also it's a falsehood because we go have two teaspoons of faux vanilla leftover from the vanilla crisis a few years back at which point real vanilla cost about 25 bones a bottle, so says my dad.

But I have a pretty supersonic sense of taste and smell and in trying to figure out what made Liane's cookies taste slightly butterscotchy, I correctly decided she used to faux vanilla many moons ago.

So the faux vanilla might be the secret ingredient even! However, since we have semi-sweet chocolate chips and real vanilla, I decided to use these things in combination to see how they compare to the milk chocolate chip/faux vanilla mélange...

The point is, the first batch is exhaling in the kitchen right now and if you stay tuned you'll find out if I can do Liane's cookie recipe justice and I'll share with you Todd Marsky's take on the Korean blowjob and other fancy stuff.