Sunday, March 29, 2009


And here we have some ideal rainy Sunday fare for your ears, my dears.

I haven't been out strolling yet, but from in here it seems like happy rain more than the sad chilling rain that loves to bring great pain and cold to your forehead and then your fingertips.

It's more like the kind of rain you don't mind walking in for an hour, and then you get home and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and think "Well, I don't think I've ever looked lovelier than at this very can this even be..." and the reason is, you were walking through the spring rain that brings pleasure in its midst, just you wait, carefree is on its way.

I watched this rain from my bed, droplets crawling across the underside of the wooden deck that comes off my upstairs landlord Nancy's kitchen, and it was like a machine line in the best way, even drops cruising at equal distance apart, from one crack of wood to beyond where my view could take me. What reliable droplets of rain they were!

It's certainly rained since I moved to this apartment almost two years ago, but I suppose my bed as never been at the particular place that allowed me to see this magical moment, or maybe it was just the never the right type of spring rain or even the right Sunday afternoon...

And there you have it, the most dreamy post ever...

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