Tuesday, March 24, 2009


The first cool thing that happened on the way home from a sweet yoga class yesterday was when I ran into my personal fortune teller.

You know, the dépanneur at the corner of Roy and Laval?? At 15 cents, this fortune teller/whoever's working the counter is a real bargain...

Hey, yeah! You can't read it! That's because it's my journal. But it's okay because I invited you to look at it so it's no big deal. So I'm sorry you can't read it. I just took my first picture after taking off all the 'before shots' I really don't feel like looking at right now...Soanyway! My fortune says "Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians." It made me feel a bit like my mom really knows what's up, you know?

So then I surfed the web yo, and this girl totally shot me into a state of sunshine and love from The Sartorialist.

Is she cute, or is she cute?? Man, she is CUTE.

Let's call her Clementine, shall we?

Not like that.


En tout cas, if Clementine bicycled with me to and from wherever, I would never see harm ever because she would be my guardian fairy (and look completely non-silly biking in heels) and she would be really good at making cupcakes magically appear from beneath her blue feathery skirt. Clementine is le magique, case closed.

On that tip, I heard that NBC's Matt Lauer was biking in Spain when a DEER JUMPED IN FRONT OF HIM. So now his shoulder is dislocated. A DEER! How much more exciting is that than me being hit by a car?! I luckily/scarily don't remember when that car did an illegal left turn into me last summer..but a DEER and no head trauma?? That's something you'll remember. It was probably a lovely afternoon and the Gipsy Kings were playing in the bushes. The Gipsy Kings who are by the way originally from France. Who knew?!

Hmmm....so the other day? I was taking the bus back to Ottawa for a hot minute, and who should I run into at the bus station but a boy that I once knew. Really, he was a boy, and now he is FIFTEEN. I could tell because he was wearing an all-over print ski jacket covered in comics. Totally cute, don't get me wrong, just so "I'm fifteen right now", that's all.

So I was all "Oh my GOD, look at YOU! You're just...it's just...so....WOW. So what did you do while you were in Montreal?!"

And he was like, "Smoke weed."

And I was all..."Oh! Wow! Cool...so! Don't worry, I won't talk to you the whole time...so you had fun, that's cool....did you like, go out for any fun meals??"

And homeboy was like, "Uh...yeah, yeah we did. But...I don't really remember??" The giggles.

Whatever, he shared his candy with me and made me a paper crane out of his bus ticket receipt.

But the big scary news was that he asked me about my jaw and I mean it made sense he would have heard about it because his sisters, my homegirls from '95 yo, we all moved to Montreal together to make an exciting new life for ourselves. So I just thought, cute, so nice of him to ask when his brain is clearly a bit slow-mo right now...

It was only the next day, when I found a letter I had written to someone two days after my accident in July (a letter they had for some reason left in my room after they read it??) and I mentioned that this particular fifteen year-old had come to visit me and it was such a pleasant surprise.

THOSE DAYS ARE SUCH A BLUR. If I hadn't read that, I never would have remembered. Like now, I vaguely remember his presence in the room, but do I really, or do I just think I do?? Ugh, I don't know but it's weird to think about...And the funny thing is I was telling him how I had been thinking before the accident that I should get a helmet because my memory is my prized possession, and I should make a point of putting more of it on paper just in case...

He must have just thought I was so weird for talking about last time he was here for March break like four years ago, and going on and on about how grown-up he is now...

But I didn't know that I saw him in the summer!

So that's a bit unsettling as well as embarassing. Oh well...

Oh! In other news, I got rid of my long locks and don't even say it because it ain't even like that.

I actually cut my hair like 3 weeks before Devin and I broke up, which was also around the time I bought myself 24 roses as a mid-February love gift...which goes to show that I may have premonitions sometimes...as well as a faint urge to master the art of home-made potpourri.

Which reminds me! My brother Alex got me TAROT CARDS for Christmas which I thought was kind of a weird gift but I took it in stride, like the time my dear friend Emma Jane's mother Jane gave me THE 2005 WITCHES ALMANAC because it reminded her of me when she saw it...???

Emma is coming to Canada this summer! I haven't seen her since the year 2006! THIS IS MAJOR GOOD NEWS.

Yesterday I read a whole graphic novel! It was a fun and easy read because I loved it, but still, we're not discussing it in class for 2 weeks so big up me for being a bit ahead of the game for a change....

This is the cover.

This is an excerpt.

And this is a review.

Classic teen angst. With confused Wiccan lesbian undertones! So into it. I highly recommend it. And I know everyone is pushing you in a Watchmen direction but this is how you should really spend this Sunday afternoon, along with an almond croissant from Stella Estrella and a walk to the end of the pier in the Old Port to welcome SPRING!!!

I'm taking an English course on Quebec/Montreal writers and I like my teacher and he's on the internet so here he is.

Doesn't he look like his name should be "The Dude". Well, he does. I'm currently finishing my belated assignment on a poem called Blind Man in the Metro by Montreal poet, Carolyn Zaino. I like this poem because it makes me think of how Montreal was once this new place I lived that was scary, and now it's my home and I love it here, especially with all signs pointing towards summer happening again this year.


Pray for me, children.

P.S. How many boys are going to see "I love you, man" tonight?!


Sarah Tone In said...


i am obsessed with finding fortunes and
montreal was the biggest jackpot zone for that

i would save them and put them
in a tin can no word of a lie

the last one i found said

"those who help are helped"

before that one it was

"romance stirs your heart - share it with others"

Sarah Tone In said...

i just cried when you mentioned cutting your hair and then siad dont even say it it aint even like that.....

so you two DID break up?

thats ok.
just know how loved you are and
remember serendipity and plus its spring.


will you marry me?
